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Introduction. The hypothenar’s skin is nourished by perforant cutaneous branches which pass across muscle, fascia and palmar aponeurosis. The aim of this work was determination of anatomic characteristics of vascular cutaneous territory of hypotenars as the basis for raising the flaps for the purpose of reconstruction of the defects on the ha...

By Dražan Erić, Milan Milisavljević, Milomir Ninković, Siniša Kojić

Introduction. The Delphi technique is a procedure where a panel of experts distributes questionnaires and collects back information for the purpose of coming to a group consensus on a specified topic. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the Delphi technique in determining educational needs of family physicians and nurses. Metho...

By Maja Račić, Branka Debelnogić, Radmila Milić, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Draženka Đurić