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28.06.2011. Original Scientific Articles
Luksacija kao komplikacija artroplastike kuka

Uvod. Luksacija je jedna od najznačajnijih komplikacija nakon aloartroplastikekuka. Cilj ove studije je analiza učestalosti luksacija nakon aloartroplastike kuka. Metode. Analizirani su pacijenti hospitalizovani na ortopedskom odsjeku Kliničkog centra Istočno Sarajevo, Bolnice Foča u periodu od 1999. do 2007.godine. Rezultati. Tokom ovog perioda im...

By Maksim Kovačević, Milivoje Dostić, Veljko Marić, Rade Miletić, Dražan Erić, Nenad Lalović, Dalibor Potpara, Helena Marić, Marijana Kovačević, Siniša Ristić, Sanja Marić, Radmil Marić

Tokom poslednjih decenija širom sveta se dramatično povećavao broj bolesnika koji se leče metodama za zamenu funkcije bubrega [1]. U SAD se broj ovih bolesnika udvostručio u periodu od 1991. do 2004. godine [2]. Sličan porast broja bolesnika koji se leče metodama za zamenu funkcije bubrega zabeležen je i u zemljama Evropske unije [3], a jo&s...

By Ljubica Djukanović

Introduction. The Delphi technique is a procedure where a panel of experts distributes questionnaires and collects back information for the purpose of coming to a group consensus on a specified topic. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the Delphi technique in determining educational needs of family physicians and nurses. Metho...

By Maja Račić, Branka Debelnogić, Radmila Milić, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Draženka Đurić

25.12.2010. Original Scientific Articles
Postoperative pain assessment

Introduction. Inadequate postoperative analgesia can affect the functioning of almost all organ systems and significantly increase morbidity and mortality. The aim of study was to analyze and assess response of patient’s painful sensations caused by surgical intervention in early stage of acute postoperative pain. Methods. This paper presents...

By Sanja Marić, Radmil Marić, Veljko Marić, Vjeran Saratlic, Novica Petrović, Vujadin Mujović

25.12.2010. Original Scientific Articles
Challenge of Reconstructive Surgery of the Eyelids

Introduction. In eyelid as well as the face reconstruction, besides functional, it is significant to respect aesthetic aspects as well. In this paper the results of eyelid reconstruction in 42 patients with malign tumour of the eyelid skin are shown. Methods. In all patients within preoperative preparation CT and/or MRI were carried out depending o...

By Nenad Tanasković, Miroslav Obrenović

Introduction. Drinking alcoholic beverages and the problems associated with excessive drinking have always been much more common in men than in women. However, alcoholism in women has recently become a growing problem. It is believed that the number of women alcoholics is growing faster than the overall increase in the number of alcoholics. The aim...

By Milan Stojaković, Sanja Vukadinović

Introduction. Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. WHO estimates that more than 2 billion persons have been infected with HBV (including 350 million chronically infected). The aim of this study was to investigate the students’...

By Bojan Joksimović, Slavenka Janković, Biljana Mijović

Introduction. The Bcl-2 gene codes an oncoprotein, inhibits a programmed cell death or apoptosis and it plays a very important role in colorectal cancerogenesis. The aim of our study is to determine Bcl-2 expression in colorectal carcinomas in relation with the stage of disease, histology of tumor type, localization and macroscopic growth pattern. ...

By Danijela Batinić Škipina, Slavica Knežević Ušaj, Dragana Zec, Mirjana Ćuk, Snežana Božanić, Nenad Lalović

Introduction. Extramural venous invasion (EMVI) is a significant predictive factor of the prognosis for patients with colorectal carcinoma and it is directly connected with the relapse of a disease, especially with the appearance of distant metastases. Methods. The research comprises 90 patients with colorectal cancer. Representative samples of tum...

By Mirjana Ćuk, Slavica Knežević Ušaj, Ištvan Klem, Radoslav Gajanin, Danijela Batinić Škipina, Radmil Marić, Sanja Marić, Nenad Lalović, Nikolina Dukić

Introduction. The hypothenar’s skin is nourished by perforant cutaneous branches which pass across muscle, fascia and palmar aponeurosis. The aim of this work was determination of anatomic characteristics of vascular cutaneous territory of hypotenars as the basis for raising the flaps for the purpose of reconstruction of the defects on the ha...

By Dražan Erić, Milan Milisavljević, Milomir Ninković, Siniša Kojić