Povećana izraženost receptora vaskularnog endotelijalnog faktora rasta u recidivu karcinoma dojke
Uvod. Histološki gradus (HG), koji označava zrelost tumora, i nuklearni gradus (NG), koji predstavlja nuklearnu morfometriju, važni su prognostički faktori karcinoma dojke. Sa progresijom tumora povezan je i vaskularni endotelijalni faktor rasta (VEGF). Cilj rada je da se korelira stepen diferenciranosti tumora sa izraženošću receptor...
By Zoran Aleksić, Brano Topić, Ivanka Rakita, Predrag Dašić, Marina Vižin, Aleksandar Guzijan, Milka Vještica, Dalibor Grahovac, Zdenka Gojković
Impact of obesity and gender on the progression of hip and knee osteoarthrosis: An epidemiological study in the general population
Introduction. Obesity is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. However, notwithstanding numerous studies on this topic, the link between obesity and OA of the hip and between OA and gender is still not clear enough. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between obesity, gender and degenerative...
By Žani Banjanin, Jadranka Pešević Pajčin, Radmila Ubović, Janja Bojanić, Nina Rodić Vukmir
Značaj stacionarne fizikalne terapije i rehabilitacije za kvalitet života pacijenata nakon ugradnje totalne endoproteze zgloba kuka
Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet koji stvara degenerativna bolest kuka. Dobri funkcionalni rezultati ove intervencije zavise kako od hirurškog liječenja tako i od kvalitetno provedene rehabilitacije. Ciljevi rada su korelirati funkcionalni status pacijenata sa koksartrozom u tri vremenska peri...
By Tatjana Nožica-Radulović, Jelena Stanković, Tatjana Bućma, Igor Sladojević
Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever - description of family epidemic
Background. Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an acute, viral, natural, focal zoonosis, which is under natural conditions transferred to man by the bite of certain species of ticks. There is also inter-human transmission of infection. A clinical picture is characterized by temperature and severehemorrhages of different localization and diff...
By Radoslav Katanić, Nataša Katanić, Dijana Mirić, Bojana Kisić, Dragica Odalović, Andrijana Odalović, Bojana Kisić
Teškoće sa kojima se susreću porodice dece sa posebnim potrebama u sadašnjem trenutku
Okolina, različita struktura porodice, društvene krize i druge nepo¬voljne ekonomske okolnosti bitno utiču na dinamiku života, na ponaša¬nje, stresove i izvore frustracija nekih roditelja. Pokušaji pomoći koji se nude porodici dece sa posebnim potrebama, uglavnom nisu blagovremeni, nisu sistemski i nisu efikasni. Re&sca...
By Jasmina Karić, Iva Miličević, Snežana Medenica
Reviewer – authors’ best friend
Peer review is the accepted method for ensuring that the science reported in the biomedical literature is of the highest quality. Reviewers, who are always recruited among the most prominent scientists in the field, are the heart of the peer-review system, and no editor can get along without them. Many authors, especially the younger ones, are unaw...
By Ljiljana Vučković-Dekić
Prevalencija intrahospitalnih infekcija u istočnoj Hercegovini
Introduction. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a global public health problem. Surveillance has been widely accepted as the primary tool in the control of HAI. It assumes systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of HAI data, as well as providing feedback information for personnel in health caresettings. Prevalence study is a fast, ...
By Slavenka Janković, Biljana Mijović, Janja Bojanić, Nina Rodić Vukmir
Results of application of external fixation in treating closed lower-leg fractures
Introduction. Lower-leg fractures represent the most often fractures of long bones. The most frequent fractures are those in middle-aged patients when their work and life activities are very intensive. The aim of the study was to determine the result of the treatment of closed lower-leg fractures with external fixation.Methods. These patients in wh...
By Mladenko Lazić, Saša Vidić, Nikola Gavrić, Aleksandra Hadžiavdvić
Stress exposure in nurses and technicians at Clinical Center Foča
Introduction. Nursing is by nature a profession that involves a high level of stress. Stress or stressful reaction is response to stressful situations. Health care workers are exposed to combustion and it is professional nature of their work, especially in clinical hospital practice. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the stress fact...
By Jelena Pavlović, Bojan Joksimović, Vedrana R. Vidojević
Tumour markers
Many structures found in tumour cells acting like antigens have been discovered as a result of continuous progress in malignant disease research over the last 50 years. Those are macromolecules whose presence or change in concentration can indicate genesis or growth of malignant tumours and they are known as tumour markers. They can be highly speci...
By Dragana Puhalo-Sladoje, Dragana Tošović, Slavica Ristić