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Uvod. Rad je usmjeren na potpunije sagledavanje strukture patološko konativnihfaktora i njihove međusobne interakcije, kao i interakcije sa kognitivnimaspektom. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje odnosa i intenziteta ispoljavanjaodređenih patoloških konativnih faktora (depresivnosti i hipohondričnosti)u zavisnosti od nivoa ispoljavanja ...

By Ivana Jovanović, Gorica Vuksanović, Snežana Medenica, Aleksandra Salamadić

01.12.2015. Original Scientific Articles
Faktori rizika za nastanak raka grlića materice

Uvod. Premaligne i maligne promjene grlića materice mogu biti udružene sarazličitim faktorima rizika. Cilj rada je bio da se analiziraju faktori rizika zanastanak raka grlića materice, utvrdi prisutnost humanog papiloma virusa(HPV) kod ispitanica sa patološkim Papanikolau (Papa) nalazom i analizirakorelacija između citoloških, kolposk...

By Brankica Galić, Snježana Šipka, Jadranka Pešević-Pajčin, Žani Banjanin

Scientific evidence has suggested significant physiological changes in the human body, after the application of thermo-mineral water, either by drinking or using the local water. The paper presents the properties, methods and possibilities of application of thermal mineral waters in Visegrad Spa. Water of Visegrad Spa is categorized as calcium, mag...

By Dušana Bukvić, Igor Sladojević, Siniša Ristić

28.06.2014. Reviews
Kidney and hypertension

Whether hypertension is the cause or effect of kidney disease is the long lasting question which has tobe discussed in future. Together these two diseases have become epidemics in present society and areassociated with the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Over the last several decades multipleclinical, experimental and genetic studies hav...

By Dijana B. Jovanović

Introduction. The main goal of each root canal treatment therapy is the thorough cleaning and obturation of the entire root canal system. The main reasons for endodontic failure are incomplete instrumentation, inadequate cleaning, insufficient canal obturation, and the presence of untreated canals. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the ro...

By Ljiljana Kulić, Jelena Krunić, Nikola Stojanović, Dajana Nogo-Živanović


By Milan Kulić, Vesna Despotovic, Joana Maric Burmazovic, Snežana Medinica, Milan Novaković, Dragan Jovanović

Introduction. Apart from diabetic nephropathy diabetic patients may experience a nondiabetic kidney disease and the kidney biopsy is the best way to diagnose it. The aim of the study is to show the frequency und type of nondiabetic kidney disease diagnosed by kidney biopsy in diabetic patients.Methods. We presented the results of renal biopsy in di...

By Gordana Basta Jovanović, Aleksandra Salapura, Dragan Vojvodić, Milorad Grujičić, Vlastimir Vlatković

Introduction. Previous research results of family and marital status as the protective factors in the relation to the suicide show that the suicide rate is higher in divorced and widowers, and low in people who are married and have children. The aim of this study was to examine the connection between family and partner relationships and the presenc...

By Dijana Sulejmanović, Tatjana Dragišić

In spite of great achievements in prevention, elimination, and even eradication of infectious diseases, active immunization, as a method of prophylaxis, has been a subject of bitter dispute since its very beginnings. The value of active immunization is also being increasingly contested today, which is a seeming paradox in the light of long-standing...

By Srdja Janković

Uvod. Faktori rizika za nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB) mogu sepodijeliti na nepromjenljive i promjenljive. Osnovni oblik terapije akutnoginfarkta sa ST elevacijom (STEMI) je reperfuziona terapija. Nema dovoljnopodataka da li prethodni faktori rizika utiču na uspjeh reperfuzione terapije.Procjena uspješnosti reperfuzione terapije se...

By Srdjan Lozo