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The study concerns a 65-year-old female patient with pterygium of right eye and histologically verified conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. The lesion was diagnosed as pterygium and treated surgically. Histological examination of the excised material found the presence of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. The significance of this case rep...

By Ljilja Amidžić, Vesna Ljubojević, Radoslav Gajanin, Milka Mavija

Introduction. Up-to-now researches have shown that there is a connection between the structure of personality and possible criminal behaviour, and that the structure of personality is formed in the co-action of biological, psychological and social factors. The aim of this paper is to conduct analysis of influences of socio-demographic factors on th...

By Dragan Jovanović, Snežana Medenica, Novica Petrović, Aleksandra Salamadić

Introduction. Uninjured fingers of the opposite hand are often used to control the recovery of sensibility in injured fingertips. The aim of this study is to examine the sensitivity of the surface on the fingertips between the dominant and non-dominant hand using static and dynamic two-point discrimination test and determine if there are significan...

By Olivera P Spasojević, Zoran Obradović, Slavko Grbić, Marinko Domuzin, Aleksandra Grbić

28.12.2013. Reviews
Tumour markers

Many structures found in tumour cells acting like antigens have been discovered as a result of continuous progress in malignant disease research over the last 50 years. Those are macromolecules whose presence or change in concentration can indicate genesis or growth of malignant tumours and they are known as tumour markers. They can be highly speci...

By Dragana Puhalo-Sladoje, Dragana Tošović, Slavica Ristić

Background. Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an acute, viral, natural, focal zoonosis, which is under natural conditions transferred to man by the bite of certain species of ticks. There is also inter-human transmission of infection. A clinical picture is characterized by temperature and severehemorrhages of different localization and diff...

By Radoslav Katanić, Nataša Katanić, Dijana Mirić, Bojana Kisić, Dragica Odalović, Andrijana Odalović, Bojana Kisić

Introduction. Obesity is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. However, notwithstanding numerous studies on this topic, the link between obesity and OA of the hip and between OA and gender is still not clear enough. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between obesity, gender and degenerative...

By Žani Banjanin, Jadranka Pešević Pajčin, Radmila Ubović, Janja Bojanić, Nina Rodić Vukmir

Uvod. Totalna endoproteza kuka uklanja veliki funkcionalni i estetski invaliditet koji stvara degenerativna bolest kuka. Dobri funkcionalni rezultati ove intervencije zavise kako od hirurškog liječenja tako i od kvalitetno provedene rehabilitacije. Ciljevi rada su korelirati funkcionalni status pacijenata sa koksartrozom u tri vremenska peri...

By Tatjana Nožica-Radulović, Jelena Stanković, Tatjana Bućma, Igor Sladojević

Sve je veći broj istraživanja koja otkrivaju da mnogi lekovi ispoljavaju neželjene efekte na mineralnu gustinu i strukturu koštanog tkiva. Brojne studije su pokazale da neki lekovi mogu biti „štetni za kost” kao što su: glukokortikoidi, hormoni štitaste žlezde, antiepileptici, antidepresivi, aromatični inhibi...

By Vojkan Nestorović, Јulijana Rašić, Snežana Janićijević Hudomal, Mirjana Mirić

Poštovani uredniče, Pročitale smo sa velikim interesovanjem tekst R. Veličković Radovanović i sar. o primeni antihipertenzivne terapije u trudnoći koji je objavljen u časopisu Biomedicinska istraživanja [1]. Pored detaljnog vodiča za lečenje hipertenzije, autori su skrenuli pažnju medicinske javnosti na značaj hipertenzivnih poremećaja u tr...

By Svetlana Krsmanović, Višnja Ležaić

Uvod. Prema podacima iz prakse, u ambulantama porodične medicine Doma zdravlja Foča stari čine visok udio u ukupnom broju posjeta i svih obavljenih usluga. Cilj rada je da se primjenom metoda sveobuhvatne gerijatrijske procjene stekne uvid u zdravstveno stanje gerijatrijske populacije koja gravitira Domu zdravlja Foča i procjene potrebe u oblasti z...

By Jelena Matović, Velimirka Pejović, Maja Račić