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Voice is a significant component of communication that allows us to express information and emotions, so it is the foundation of verbal communication. Maturation of the body involves dilation of the larynx and lower positioning of the larynx in the neck, resulting in multiple changes in voice quality. The rapid changes in the human larynx during pu...

By Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. The success of endodontic treatment depends on the adequate biomechanical preparation and obturation of the entire root canal system. The untreated or poorly debrided/obturated root canals are among the most frequent causes of endodontic treatment failure. The endodontic treatment of maxillary molar has the highest failure rates due t...

By Bojana Mastilo, Sladjana Ćalasan

The aim of the study is to provide better understanding of the prevalence and forms of maladaptive behavior, as well as of the factors associated with this behavior in people with intellectual disability, by reviewing the available literature. Maladaptive behavior is behavior that is common enough and/or severe enough to limit a person's ability to...

By Bojana Mastilo, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Aggressive behavior is defined as the behavior of such intensity, frequency and duration that it seriously threatens the physical safety of a person/persons or the one which seriously limits their social functioning. The aim of the paper is to determine the intensity and forms of aggression in institutionalized women with intellectual...

By Bojana Mastilo, Bojana Vuković, Stevan Šeatović, Sladjana Ćalasan

Communication can generally be defined as an exchange of messages between the sender and recipients. When analyzing the characteristics of communication, the classification into verbal and non-verbal communication is often referred to in literature. Typical child development includes the stages of pre-intentional, intentional pre-symbolic and inten...

By Nadica Jovanović, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Orofacial musculature dysfunction in children is one of the causes of articulation disorders, however, articulation disorders associated with stuttering make communication particularly difficult. The aim of the study is to compare the state of oral praxis and voice articulation in primary school children who stutter with the state of ...

By Nada Dobrota-Davidović, Sladjana Ćalasan

Uvod. Disgrafija je poremećaj u ovladavanju vještinom pisanja kod djeceočuvanih intelektualnih sposobnosti, očuvanog vida i sluha, adekvatne obukeu školi i odgovarajućih socio-ekonomskih uslova. Poremećaj pisanja možeda se manifestuje oštećenjem rukopisa i jezičkim deficitima. Cilj ispitivanjaje bio da se utvrdi uticaj tipa por...

By Sladjana Ćalasan, Mile Vuković, Bojana Vuković, Bojana Mastilo, Andrijana Bakoč, Ivana Zečević

Uvod. Problemi sa glasom kod vokalnih profesionalaca povezani su sa kontinuiranomvokalnom produkcijom, a to dovodi do vokalnog zamora. Vokalnizamor se odražava na akustičke karakteristike glasa i dovodi do promenaakustičkog kvaliteta tokom vokalne produkcije. Cilj ovog rada bio je da seispitaju akustičke karakteristike glasa kod vokalnih profesiona...

By Ivana Šehović, Mirjana Petrović-Lazić, Nadica Jovanovic-Simic, Sladjana Ćalasan

Uvod. Pamćenje je dio kognitivnog sistema koga čine prijem, obrada, skladištenjei prisjećanje informacija. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje dinamike razvojavizuelnog i auditivnog pamćenja kod djece mlađeg školskog uzrasta, odnosizmeđu sposobnosti pamćenja i pola, kao i povezanost sposobnosti pamćenjai školskog uspjeha.Metode. I...

By Andrijana Bakoč, Bojana Vuković, Bojana Mastilo, Ivana Zečević, Olivera Kalajdžić, Sladjana Ćalasan, Gorica Vuksanović

28.06.2015. Original Scientific Articles
Procena disgrafije kod dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta

Uvod. Pisanje predstavlja kompleksnu ljudsku sposobnost i ujedno nasjloženijioblik jezičke delatnosti. Sam čin pisanja obuhvata znanje i veštinu pravilnoggrafičkog oblikovanja slova. Poremećaj u sticanju sposobnosti pisanja označavase terminom disgrafija. Osnovni simptomi disgrafije su loše oblikovana slova,nečitak rukopis, pogre&scar...

By Mile Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan, Milan Kulić, Nadica Jovanovic-Simic