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09.10.2024. Original Scientific Articles Online First
Lyme neuroborreliosis in adults - epidemiology data and clinical findings

Introduction. Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) can manifest during the early and late stages of Lyme disease (LD). The aim of this study is to determine epidemiology and clinical findings in patients with LNB. Methods. The research was conducted in Banja Luka at the University Clinical Center of Republic of Srpska (UCC RS) during a four-year period...

By Tatjana Roganović, Janja Bojanić, Biljana Mijović, Dragan Kasagić, Antonija Verhaz, Dragana Roganović

Introduction. Assessment of the occupational risk of exposure to the new coronavirus of workers engaged in the COVID-19 Departments of the University Clinical Center of Republic of Srpska and the use of personal protective equipment was the aim of this research. Method. In the University Clinical Center of Republic of Srpska (UKC RS), in the C...

By Janja Bojanić, Silvana Trifunović, Antonija Verhaz, Darija Knežević, Mirjana Djermanović, Nataša Knežević, Mladena Malinović

Public health represents a field full of unresolved issues which are often raised by highly complex and mutually related events. Due to this, the more frequent use of qualitative scientific research is required. Qualitative research is primarily focused on the world view of an individual or a group, enabling them to form attitudes and practise rela...

By Maja Račić, Milena Dubravac-Tanasković, Janja Bojanić, Biljana Mijović, Slobodan Stanić

Clostridium difficile je Gram-pozitivni, sporogeni bacil koji se danas smatrajednim od najznačajnijih uzročnika bolnički stečenih dijareja, a sva oboljenjaizazvana ovom bakterijom poznata su pod nazivom „bolesti povezane sa C.difficile“ (engl. Clostriduim difficile–associated disease, CDAD). Iako učestalostovih oboljenja varira od...

By Milena Dubravac Tanasković, Danijela Radulović, Biljana Mijović, Janja Bojanić

Uvod. Populacija muškaraca koji imaju seksualne odnose sa muškarcima(MSM) predstavlja posebno osjetljivu grupu za prenos HIV-a i drugih polnoprenosivih infekcija.Vulnerabilnost se povećava usljed rizičnog ponašanja,marginalizovanja, stigmatizovanja kao i nedostupnosti zdravstveno-socijalnezaštite. Cilj rada je bio da se ...

By Jela Aćimović, Ljubica Jandrić, Nina Rodić Vukmir, Slobodan Stanić, Ljubica Bojanić, Biljana Mijović, Janja Bojanić

Introduction. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a global public health problem. Surveillance has been widely accepted as the primary tool in the control of HAI. It assumes systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of HAI data, as well as providing feedback information for personnel in health caresettings. Prevalence study is a fast, ...

By Slavenka Janković, Biljana Mijović, Janja Bojanić, Nina Rodić Vukmir

Introduction. Obesity is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. However, notwithstanding numerous studies on this topic, the link between obesity and OA of the hip and between OA and gender is still not clear enough. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between obesity, gender and degenerative...

By Žani Banjanin, Jadranka Pešević Pajčin, Radmila Ubović, Janja Bojanić, Nina Rodić Vukmir

Mada ne postoji univerzalna definicija kvaliteta života u vezi sa zdravljem,postignut je konsenzus da je to širok koncept koji uključuje fizičko zdravlje,psihološko stanje i socijalne odnose. Psorijaza je hronično inflamatorno oboljenjepovezano sa socijalnom stigmatizacijom, bolom, nelagodnošću, fizičkiminvaliditetom i psiholo&...

By Milena Ražnatović, Janja Bojanić, Slavenka Janković