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Introduction. With the beginning of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, restrictions on movement, the so-called “lockdown” were applied by many governments. As a result of these actions taken against the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the use of digital devices has increased, i.e. the time spent in front of screens has incre...

By Bojana Vuković, Sanja Živanović, Bojana Mastilo, Ivana Zečević

Introduction. With the development of medical and health sciences, research problems have become more complex, and relying solely on quantitative or qualitative research approaches is no longer sufficient. The aim of this paper was to map the progress and trends in the scientific literature regarding the application of mixed studies in medical and ...

By Srdjan Živanović, Jelena Pavlović, Natalija Hadživuković, Sandra Matović, Olivera Kalajdžić, Bojana Vuković, Ljubiša Kucurski

30.06.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Influence of smoking on voice quality

Introduction. During smoking, specific morphological changes occur within the larynx, which results in changes in voice quality. Given that voice is related to quality of life, it is necessary to identify the impact of smoking on voice quality. Methods. A group of 85 respondents, aged 22 to 70 years (AS = 35.61; SD = 11.36), both sexes, categorize...

By Bojana Vuković, Slađana Ćalasan, Andrea Vegar

Introduction. Technology has the potential to reduce isolation, increase independence, provide educational, financial and social opportunities for users, but there may still be barriers, especially for people with disabilities or sensory deficits. Therefore, it is very important to determine what science has been dealing with in this area, more pre...

By Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan, Andrea Vegar, Sanja Živanović

Voice is a significant component of communication that allows us to express information and emotions, so it is the foundation of verbal communication. Maturation of the body involves dilation of the larynx and lower positioning of the larynx in the neck, resulting in multiple changes in voice quality. The rapid changes in the human larynx during pu...

By Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Aggressive behavior is defined as the behavior of such intensity, frequency and duration that it seriously threatens the physical safety of a person/persons or the one which seriously limits their social functioning. The aim of the paper is to determine the intensity and forms of aggression in institutionalized women with intellectual...

By Bojana Mastilo, Bojana Vuković, Stevan Šeatović, Sladjana Ćalasan

Uvod. Disgrafija je poremećaj u ovladavanju vještinom pisanja kod djeceočuvanih intelektualnih sposobnosti, očuvanog vida i sluha, adekvatne obukeu školi i odgovarajućih socio-ekonomskih uslova. Poremećaj pisanja možeda se manifestuje oštećenjem rukopisa i jezičkim deficitima. Cilj ispitivanjaje bio da se utvrdi uticaj tipa por...

By Sladjana Ćalasan, Mile Vuković, Bojana Vuković, Bojana Mastilo, Andrijana Bakoč, Ivana Zečević

Uvod. Pamćenje je dio kognitivnog sistema koga čine prijem, obrada, skladištenjei prisjećanje informacija. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje dinamike razvojavizuelnog i auditivnog pamćenja kod djece mlađeg školskog uzrasta, odnosizmeđu sposobnosti pamćenja i pola, kao i povezanost sposobnosti pamćenjai školskog uspjeha.Metode. I...

By Andrijana Bakoč, Bojana Vuković, Bojana Mastilo, Ivana Zečević, Olivera Kalajdžić, Sladjana Ćalasan, Gorica Vuksanović

25.06.2016. Original Scientific Articles
Socio – demografske determinante školskog uspjeha

Uvod. Uspjeh učenika, kao vaspitno-obrazovni fenomen škole, bio je i ostaopredmet interesovanja mnogih naučnika čiji su rezultati istraživanja imaliteorijski i empirijski karakter. To je predmet i ovog rada čiji je cilj ispitivanje ianaliziranje povezanosti socio-demografskih karakteristika učenika i njihovoguspjeha u školi. Metod. U ...

By Gorica Vuksanović, Ljiljana Rašević, Andrijana Pavlović, Ivana Zečević, Olivera Kalajdžić, Bojana Mastilo, Sladjana Ćalasan, Bojana Vuković