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Introduction. The human voice is an important characteristic that enables the distinction of human from other living beings. Otherwise, it represents a picture of a person ́s personality, his health, mental and emotional state. The research aims are to determine the voice characteristics of vocal professionals with diagnosed vocal cord nodules by s...

By Mila Bunijevac, Zlatko Maksimović, Andrijana Mikić

Introduction. There has been a progressive increase in the frequency of colorectal carcinoma for the last twenty years. In order for a doctor to estimate the life expectancy and/or the treatment of these patients, oncology makes use of prognostic and predictive factors. They are divided into: clinicosurgical, pathohistological and immunohistochemic...

By Siniša Maksimović, Branislava Jakovljević, Zdenka Gojković, Zlatko Maksimović

Uvod. U endemskim selima Donje i Gornje Crnjelovo urađeni su sistematskipregledi odraslih stanovnika u proljeće 2009. i 2010. godine. Analiza rezultataprikazana u ovom radu urađena je sa ciljem da se utvrdi učestalost faktorarizika za nastanak bolesti bubrega i učestalost osoba sa markerima bolestibubrega u zavisnosti od prisutnih faktora rizika.Me...

By Siniša Ristić, Veljko Marić, Ljiljana Lukić, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Marić, Marijana Kovačević, Danijela Trifunović, Dragana Pavlović, Srđan Mijatović, Ljubica Đukanović