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Introduction. The aim of this article was to present a case of a foreign body in the external auditory canal described as a pseudotumor of the middle ear, as well as to point out diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this problem. Case report. An 8-year-old girl was hospitalized several times in our department due to the surgery of left-sided chro...

By Nemanja Radivojević, Dragoslava Djerić, Zoran Dudvarski, Igor Djorić, Ivana Živković, Siniša Šolaja

The participation of deaf and hard of hearing people in sports activities contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in all its domains, and compared to people with some other types of disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing people achieve higher scores in sports activities. Practicing sports activities improves physical health, mental st...

By Jasmina Karić B., Milena Kordić B., Vladimir Živanović R., Jana Mitrić, Siniša Šolaja, Ilija Stijepić

Introduction. Tinnitus is a perception of a sound in the ears in the absence of acoustic stimulation whose pathophysiological mechanisms have not been evaluated yet. Approximately, 1-2% of people report distress which can negatively affect their daily performance. Our study aimed to assess the incidence of anxiety in patients with tinnitus. Methods...

By Nenad Arsović, Zoran Dudvarski, Gabrijela Šolaja, Ljiljana Krsmanović, Siniša Šolaja, Bojan Joksimović

Introduction. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) plays one of the key roles in the migration of inflammatory cells and the destructive behavior of acquired middle ear cholesteatoma. The aim of the study was to determine the expression levels of MMP-9 in chronic otitis media, with and without acquired cholesteatoma, as well as to determine the corre...

By Dalibor Vranješ, Slobodan Spremo, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) encompasses a heterogeneous group of inflammatory disorders affecting nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Rhinosinusitis is the most common condition in the United States. It is estimated that over 30 million people annually visit the doctor due to this condition, while every sixth adult suffers from ARS. Am...

By Ljiljana Krsmanović, Vladimir Turuntaš, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. The optic nerve is supplied by the arterial branches of the supericial pial plexus and direct intraneural branches. The aim of the study was to study the morphological characteristics (origin, number of arteries, calibers, and branching pattern) of perioptic arterial vascularization and intraoptic vascular network of the extracranial ...

By Radmila Balaban-Đurević, Samra Hajrović, Vanja Pljevaljčić, Valvita Reçi, Stefan Kulić, Milan Milisavljević, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. Chronic rhinosinusitis with sinonasal polyposis is a chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the nasal and paranasal sinuses, clinically manifested by the appearance of polyps in the nasal cavity. The presence of polyps in the nose and sinuses is the cause of the characteristic symptoms that affect the quality of life ...

By Aleksandra Aleksić, Zorica Novaković, Nataša Guzina-Golac, Vojin Vojnović, Željko Markić, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. Thyroglossal cyst represents the most common congenital anomaly of the neck and it occurs in approximately 7% of the overall population. It develops as a consequence of obliteration failure of ductus thyreoglossus during migration of thyroid gland in embryogenesis. It is usually diagnosed during the first decade of life by clinical ex...

By Miroslav Obrenović, Siniša Kojić, Vekoslav Mitrović, Mirjana Ćuk, Borko Davidović, Siniša Šolaja

Uvod. Tinitus se definiše kao percepcija zvuka u ušima ili glavi bez prisutnihvanjskih izvora zvuka. Zujanje u uhu i nesposobnost bolesnika da se prilagodeovoj pojavi može da dovede do ispoljavanja emocionalnih tegoba, kao što sudepresija i anksioznost. Cilj ove studije je bio da se procijeni stepen depresivnihtegoba koje prate...

By Radmila Balaban, Siniša Šolaja, Branislava Ćurčić, Siniša Ristić, Miroslav Obrenović, Gabrijela Šolaja, Aleksandra Salamadić

01.12.2017. Original Scientific Articles
Destrukcija kosti kod holesteatoma srednjeg uha

Uvod. Holesteatom se definiše kao cistična, ekspanzivna lezija temporalnekosti, čiju glavnu osobinu karakteriše progresivan rast s erozijom okolne kosti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita status osikularnog lanca i koštanih zidovakavuma timpani kod ispitanika sa holesteatomom srednjeg uha. Metode. Studija je obuhvatila 100 ...

By Dmitar Travar, Sanja Špirić, Dalibor Vranješ, Slobodan Spremo, Mirjana Gnjatić, Siniša Šolaja