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Introduction. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the research of factors that can potentially contribute to the development of speech and language impairment. It is believed that the results of these studies can contribute to better planning and implementation of early intervention in the field of speech and language in child...

By Jelena Tešić, Mile Vuković, Mirjana Korlaet, Sofija Vuković

Introduction. In addition to the development of spoken language, typical intellectual abilities, preservation of the senses of hearing and sight, phonological awareness and the ability of graphomotor expression are necessary for mastering the skills of reading and writing. With this in mind, the aim of this research is to determine the level of pho...

By Mirjana Korlaet, Mile Vuković, Jelena Tešić

27.12.2023. Original Scientific Articles
Lexical-semantic abilities of five-to-six-year-old children

Introduction. The development of the semantic level of the language system begins at the end of the first year of life, when a child begins to use the first words. During childhood, the child gradually increases his/her vocabulary and learns semantic characteristics. The main aim of this paper is to determine the lexical-semantic abilities of presc...

By Ana Jegdić, Mile Vuković

30.06.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Reading ability of young school-age children

Introduction. Reading is a complex linguistic and cognitive ability, acquired through learning. Children of typical development in the first four years of school completely master the reading skill. However, some children may have difficulty learning to read despite their preserved intellectual abilities and adequate training. The aim of this paper...

By Mile Vuković, Rada Reljić Trivković, Slađana Ćalasan

Uvod. Disgrafija je poremećaj u ovladavanju vještinom pisanja kod djeceočuvanih intelektualnih sposobnosti, očuvanog vida i sluha, adekvatne obukeu školi i odgovarajućih socio-ekonomskih uslova. Poremećaj pisanja možeda se manifestuje oštećenjem rukopisa i jezičkim deficitima. Cilj ispitivanjaje bio da se utvrdi uticaj tipa por...

By Sladjana Ćalasan, Mile Vuković, Bojana Vuković, Bojana Mastilo, Andrijana Bakoč, Ivana Zečević

28.06.2015. Original Scientific Articles
Procena disgrafije kod dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta

Uvod. Pisanje predstavlja kompleksnu ljudsku sposobnost i ujedno nasjloženijioblik jezičke delatnosti. Sam čin pisanja obuhvata znanje i veštinu pravilnoggrafičkog oblikovanja slova. Poremećaj u sticanju sposobnosti pisanja označavase terminom disgrafija. Osnovni simptomi disgrafije su loše oblikovana slova,nečitak rukopis, pogre&scar...

By Mile Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan, Milan Kulić, Nadica Jovanovic-Simic