Gemination of maxillary incisors in decidous and permanent dentition – a case report
Introduction. Shape variations of teeth can be present both in perma nent and in deciduous dentition. Gemination, fusion, concrescention, and ,,twin teeth” are development anomalies. Aim of this article is to show different cases of simultaneous gemination in deciduous denti tion and supernumerary teeth in permanent dentition in upper incisor...
By Isidora Nešković, Aleksandar Anđelković, Duška Blagojević, Sanja Vujkov, Jelena Komšić, Bojan Petrović
Intrusion of deciduous and permanent teeth: Causes, clinical characteristics and outcome
Introduction. Tooth injuries are very common in children. They occur during intense physical and mental development, which complicates the clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the injured teeth. Tooth intrusion (Intrusion dentis) is an injury to the surrounding tissue characterized by axial tooth movement towards the jawbone t...
By Milica Šipovac, Jelena Galović, Ljubica Pavlović-Trifunović, Mirjana Perin, Bojan Petrović
Navike u ishrani i erozije zuba kod djece
Uvod. Erozije zuba predstavljaju gubitak tvrde zubne supstance, hemijskimputem, bez uticaja bakterija. Prema klasifikaciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacijetretiraju se kao oboljenje. Sve veća pažnja se usmjerava na pojavu erozijakod djece zbog učestale konzumacije kisele hrane i napitaka. Cilj istraživanjaje bio da se utvrde i uporede navike u ish...
By Milica Božić, Kristina Vicko, Milica Šipovac, Bojan Petrović