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29.12.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Visual-motor integration of younger school-aged children

Introduction. Visual-motor integration (VMI) is defined as the degree to which visual perception (VP) and finger-hand movements are well coordinated. The VMI consists of two components: VP and motor coordination (MC). The main goal of our research was to determine whether there are differences in age and gender categories in VMI, VP and MC scores, ...

By Jelena Milić, Sladjana Djorem, Ana Lukić, Marko Petrović, Bojan Joksimović, Biljana Mijović, Radmila Balaban, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Dajana Nogo Živanović, Veljko Marić

Speech is a way of communication formed by rhythmic units of syllables, words and sentences, and as such is inherent in man, the only being whose organs and psyche are trained for this process. Delayed speech is defined as a phenomenon in which a child does not start speaking on time, or there are errors in the speech pattern that are not appropria...

By Ana Lukić, Bojan Joksimović, Jelena Vidojević, Kristina Drašković, Aleksandar Tanović, Veljko Marić, Nenad Lalović, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Siniša Ristić

Introduction. Higher level of knowledge and frequent contacts with peers with disabilities can influence the emergence of more positive attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities. In regard to that, our aim was to test the importance of knowledge, contact frequency and other possible factors influencing attitudes of students toward disab...

By Slađana Đorem, Gordana Odović, Ana Lukić, Jelena Milić, Milena Božinović, Bojan Joksimović

Uvod. U radu su prikazani rezultati skrininga hronične bolesti bubrega sprovedenih u Foči i endemskom selu Brodac (Bijeljina). Poređenje dobijenih rezultata urađeno je sa ciljem da se utvrdi učestalost faktora rizika za bolesti bubrega i učestalost markera bubrežnog oštećenja u zavisnosti od prisutnih faktora rizika. Metode. Skriningom je ob...

By Ljiljana Lukić, Zoran Vasilić, Danijela Trifunović, Milan Gajić, Marijana Kovačević, Siniša Ristić, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Marić, Dragana Pavlović, Ljubica Djukanović

Uvod. U endemskim selima Donje i Gornje Crnjelovo urađeni su sistematskipregledi odraslih stanovnika u proljeće 2009. i 2010. godine. Analiza rezultataprikazana u ovom radu urađena je sa ciljem da se utvrdi učestalost faktorarizika za nastanak bolesti bubrega i učestalost osoba sa markerima bolestibubrega u zavisnosti od prisutnih faktora rizika.Me...

By Siniša Ristić, Veljko Marić, Ljiljana Lukić, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Marić, Marijana Kovačević, Danijela Trifunović, Dragana Pavlović, Srđan Mijatović, Ljubica Đukanović