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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as a presence of significant bacteriuria in a properly collected urine sample, followed by various clinical manifestations - from asymptomatic bacteriuria to acute pyelonephritis. It is most common in infancy and particularly in females. There is a higher risk of UTI in children with underlying urological an...

By Vojo Kulić, Veselinka Šupić, Biljana Milinković, Dejan Bokonjić, Bojan Joksimović

Introduction. According to the Consumer and Food Safety Act, the term foodstuffs is referred to as any substance used for food or drink, either processed or unprocessed. Food safety is referred to as hygiene food safety as well as the safety of food composition (energy giving, body building and protective food components). The aim of the study is t...

By Medina Bičo, Erna Dardagan

Introduction. Smoking prevalence among healthcare professionals is high in European countries and the surveys conducted in the past decade have confirmed the existence of this public health problem in the Republic of Srpska (RS) as well. The aim of this study is to investigate smoking habits, as well as the readiness for smoking cessation in family...

By Sladjana Šiljak, Jelena Niškanović, Marin Kvaternik

Communication can generally be defined as an exchange of messages between the sender and recipients. When analyzing the characteristics of communication, the classification into verbal and non-verbal communication is often referred to in literature. Typical child development includes the stages of pre-intentional, intentional pre-symbolic and inten...

By Nadica Jovanović, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Academy of Medical Science of Serbian Medical Society introduced collaboration between Belgrade nephrologists and general practitioners with the aim of examining the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in populations at risk as well as of checking whether collaboration with general practitioners contributed to implementation of...

By Ljubica Đukanović, Višnja Ležaić

Introduction. The aim of the study paper is to examine the relationship between the criminal behavior and psychological traits of perpetrators of criminal offences. Methods. The survey included the prisoners from several Detention and Rehabilitation Centers in the Republic of Srpska as well as from the Judicial Department of the Sokolac Psychiatric...

By Dragan Jovanović

28.06.2018. Current topics
Geriatrics in Serbia nowadays

The first hospital department for the treatment of elderly people in the world was founded by Laza Lazarević in Belgrade in 1881. The Division of Geriatrics of the Department of Internal Medicine at the City Hospital in Belgrade was founded in 1963, as the first one in the former Yugoslavia. The first regional department within the field of geronto...

By Mladen Davidović, Milan Ivanović

Introduction. There has been a progressive increase in the frequency of colorectal carcinoma for the last twenty years. In order for a doctor to estimate the life expectancy and/or the treatment of these patients, oncology makes use of prognostic and predictive factors. They are divided into: clinicosurgical, pathohistological and immunohistochemic...

By Siniša Maksimović, Branislava Jakovljević, Zdenka Gojković, Zlatko Maksimović

Introduction. Tooth injuries are very common in children. They occur during intense physical and mental development, which complicates the clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the injured teeth. Tooth intrusion (Intrusion dentis) is an injury to the surrounding tissue characterized by axial tooth movement towards the jawbone t...

By Milica Šipovac, Jelena Galović, Ljubica Pavlović-Trifunović, Mirjana Perin, Bojan Petrović

Introduction. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic disorders that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of certain metabolic syndrome components by applying International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria prior to and after diagnosing ischemic heart disease. Met...

By Žana Pećanac, Kosana Stanetić, Ljubomir Šormaz