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Introduction. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are a serious global health problem affecting mostly younger and middle-aged persons. Despite the availability of variety of treatment approaches, the disease often progresses unpredictably. Biological drugs offer hope for IBD treatment. Our research share our preliminary findings regarding the monito...

By Goran Bokan, Tanja Glamočanin, Lana Mandić, Zoran Mavija

Introduction. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is an advanced stage of progressive liver failure with an often adverse outcome. Numerous scoring systems are used to predict outcomes. The results of MELD Score (Model For End-Stage Liver Disease) and CLIF Consortium Acute Decompensation score (CLIF-C ADs) were used in this paper to determine which one is mo...

By Goran Bokan, Zoran Mavija

Uvod. Jetra je najčešće povređivan organ u traumi. Zahvaljujući unapređenjustrategije liječenja, mortalitet kod povreda jetre je posljednjih decenija uznačajnom padu. Cilj rada je da prikaže koliko su povrede jetre kompleksanproblem koji zahtijeva multidisciplinarni pristup u dijagnostici i liječenju,a ciljevi hirurškog liječenja su k...

By Božo Krivokuća, Darko Golić, Nada Banjac, Peđa Kovačević, Svetozar Krivokuća, Zoran Mavija