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Myocarditis is a limited or diffuse inflammation of the heart muscle, the cause of which might be infectious (viruses, bacteria, fungi, rickettsiae, parasites, protozoas) or non-infectious (systemic diseases, metabolic diseases, toxins). There are types of myocarditis the etiological factor of which cannot be determined and therefore are classified...

By Tatjana Gavrilović-Elez, Vladimir Čančar, Nada Avram, Biljana Milinković, Dejan Bokonjić

Uvod. Dugo vremena je u akušerstvu važio čuveni diktum Edwarda Craginaiz 1916. godine: ”Jednom carski rez, uvijek carski rez”. Vremenom, rukovodećise postupcima iz prošlosti i porastom broja patoloških trudnoća sa jednestrane, kao i uticajem medija i zahtjevima pacijenata sa druge strane, procenatporođaja zavr&scaro...

By Radenko Ivanović, Radoslavka Lečić, Vladimir Čančar, Olivera Čančar, Dragana Puhalo Sladoje