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Introduction. Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (DFH) is a reactive lesion that occurs as a result of chronic trauma caused by the denture on the oral mucosa. Case report. A female patient, 56 years old, reported to the Specialist Center for Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in Foča for the fabrication of complete dentures. She wore previous ...

By Smiljka Cicmil, Ognjenka Janjić-Pavlović, Mihael Stanojević, Ana Cicmil, Olivera Govedarica, Zorica Stojanović, Jelena Lečić

Introduction. Successful endodontic treatment depends upon the clinician's knowledge and ability to recognize and diagnose the presence of anatomical and morphological variations of the root and canal system. The aim of this study was to establish the number of roots and root canal configurations of the maxillary second premolar in the population o...

By Brankica Davidović, Ljiljana Bjelović, Igor Radović, Bojana Davidović, Svjetlana Janković, Smiljka Cicmil

Uvod. Nekarijesne cervikalne lezije su gubitak tvrdog zubnog tkiva na vratuzuba, najčešće lokalizovan na vestibularnoj površini. Ovakav gubitak mineralizovanezubne strukture može biti uzrokovan različitim etiološkim faktorima,a može dovesti do neugodne preosjetljivosti, bolnih senzacija, patološkihpromjena u pulpi i kona...

By Aleksandra Žuža, Jelena Krunić, Smiljka Cicmil, Nikola Stojanović, Đorđe Božović