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Introduction. Mental health is related to risky driving behavior and traffic accidents. The aim of this study is to investigate both social and demographic characteristics of drivers, as well as the connection between mental health and risky driving behavior among drivers in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods. The study was par...

By Slobodan Stanić, Jelena Niškanović, Sladjana Šiljak

Introduction. Smoking prevalence among healthcare professionals is high in European countries and the surveys conducted in the past decade have confirmed the existence of this public health problem in the Republic of Srpska (RS) as well. The aim of this study is to investigate smoking habits, as well as the readiness for smoking cessation in family...

By Sladjana Šiljak, Jelena Niškanović, Marin Kvaternik

Uvod. Nejednakosti u korišćenju usluga zdravstvene zaštite postoje širomsvijeta. Cilj rada je ispitivanje uticaja demografskih, socijalno-ekonomskihnejednakosti, nejednakosti u stilu života i zdravstvenom stanju na korišćenjeusluga doktora porodične medicine i specijaliste u Republici Srpskoj, Bosnai Hercegovina.Metode. ...

By Janko Janković, Sladjana Šiljak, Jelena Niškanović, Slavenka Janković