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Introduction. The improvement of new genetic testing strategies are getting to be progressively integrated into different parts of medicine. Progress has not been accompanied by the satisfactory level of genetic education but it has been accompanied with many ethical issues concering testing among medical students, doctors and the common population...

By Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković, Milena Dubravac Tanasković, Milan Kulić, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Aleksandar Tanović, Kristina Drašković Mališ, Biljana Vasiljević, Bojan Joksimović

Introduction. Inhalation of coal dust during blasting in brown coal mines has been shown to lead to a lung disease called pneumoconiosis. There is very little data in the literature on the direct impact of coal on the quality of life of people who work in coal mines as well as the body's immune response to the effects of coal dust. The aim was to e...

By Biljana Mijović, Bojan Joksimović, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Stanić, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Biljana Čančar

Uvod. Dorzalna strana stopala i prsti su često pod uticajem mikrovaskularnih ineuropatskih komplikacija, zbog čega je potrebno dobro razumijevanje arterijskihkarakteristika ovog predjela. Cilj rada je registrovanje mikroanatomskihkarakteristika arteria dorsalis pedis (ADP): mjesto nastanka, prečnik i anastomozenjenih bočnih i završnih grana,...

By Branislava Ćurčić, Radmil Marić, Dražen Erić, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Siniša Šolaja, Gabrijela Šolaja