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Uvod. Dugogodišnja bezubost dovodi do znatne atrofije alveolarnih grebenovašto zbrinjavanje ove bezubosti dentalnim implantatima čini velikim izazovom.Kod pacijenata koji bi bezubost rešavali implantatima, a volumen kosti to nedozvoljava, najčešće se predlaže korekcija grebena vođenom koštanom regeneracijomili slo...

By Nenad Tanasković, Miroslav Lučić, Ranko Popović

25.12.2010. Original Scientific Articles
Challenge of Reconstructive Surgery of the Eyelids

Introduction. In eyelid as well as the face reconstruction, besides functional, it is significant to respect aesthetic aspects as well. In this paper the results of eyelid reconstruction in 42 patients with malign tumour of the eyelid skin are shown. Methods. In all patients within preoperative preparation CT and/or MRI were carried out depending o...

By Nenad Tanasković, Miroslav Obrenović