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Introduction. Whether it is a classic version of the flap or its modification, the Limberg flap is an appropriate solution for covering small and medium-sized defects, as well as for covering largesized defects where certain localizations are concerned. It represents a local, transposition flap that has proven to be a safe option. Methods. The defe...

By Zuhra Memić, Vera Sabljak, Helena Marić-Kujundžić, Bojan Kujundžić, Siniša Kojić, Miroslav Obrenović

Introduction. Thyroglossal cyst represents the most common congenital anomaly of the neck and it occurs in approximately 7% of the overall population. It develops as a consequence of obliteration failure of ductus thyreoglossus during migration of thyroid gland in embryogenesis. It is usually diagnosed during the first decade of life by clinical ex...

By Miroslav Obrenović, Siniša Kojić, Vekoslav Mitrović, Mirjana Ćuk, Borko Davidović, Siniša Šolaja

Uvod. Tinitus se definiše kao percepcija zvuka u ušima ili glavi bez prisutnihvanjskih izvora zvuka. Zujanje u uhu i nesposobnost bolesnika da se prilagodeovoj pojavi može da dovede do ispoljavanja emocionalnih tegoba, kao što sudepresija i anksioznost. Cilj ove studije je bio da se procijeni stepen depresivnihtegoba koje prate...

By Radmila Balaban, Siniša Šolaja, Branislava Ćurčić, Siniša Ristić, Miroslav Obrenović, Gabrijela Šolaja, Aleksandra Salamadić

25.12.2010. Original Scientific Articles
Challenge of Reconstructive Surgery of the Eyelids

Introduction. In eyelid as well as the face reconstruction, besides functional, it is significant to respect aesthetic aspects as well. In this paper the results of eyelid reconstruction in 42 patients with malign tumour of the eyelid skin are shown. Methods. In all patients within preoperative preparation CT and/or MRI were carried out depending o...

By Nenad Tanasković, Miroslav Obrenović