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Introduction. Ovarian cysts occur when a portion of the ovary is filled with liquid. The most common cysts are functional, and their size is usually between 2 and 6 cm, although cases of the large-size cysts have been described, as well.Case Outline. This paper reports a case of a 16-year-old girl admitted with a large tumorous mass of unclear etio...

By Mirko Raković, Zoran Rakonjac, Mirko Šatara, Slavko Grbić

Uvod. U radu se istražuje mogućnost neoperativnog liječenja suprakondilarnihfraktura humerusa ekstenzionog tipa kod djece uzrasta od 5-10 godina.Metode. Obrađeno je 51 dijete sa suprakondilarnim prelomom humerusaliječeno tokom perioda od dvije godine (1998-2000) na Dječjoj hirurškojklinici u Banjaluci. Od ukupnog broja preloma, 21 prelom je ...

By Vlado Mirošljević, Mirko Raković, Mirko Šatara, Zoran Rakonjac