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Introduction. According to previous studies, compulsive buying is the problem in the world today by means of which a large number of people, especially women, face their problems in everyday life and functioning. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between shopping addiction, emotions, and stress and general...

By Nina Eraković, Šemsudin Porčić, Mira Spremo

Introduction. The transition to university education as a stressful period and the need to be likeable where physical appearance is concerned can be a trigger for a change in attitudes towards eating patterns. Body composition is an essential component of nutritional status and the most common parameter used as an indicator of physical appearance. ...

By Olivera Pilipović-Spasojević, Nenad Ponorac, Mira Spremo

13.06.2016. Original Scientific Articles
Upotreba alkohola kod učenika srednjih škola

Uvod. Adolescencija protiče u znaku velikih psihičkih promjena koje su rezultatbiološkog sazrijevanja. Alkohol stvara prividnu sigurnost i može postatiznačajan psihološki stimulans, a njegovo redovnije uzimanje biće prvi korakka stvaranju psihičke, a kasnije i fizičke zavisnosti. Cilj rada je utvrđivanjeučestalosti i faktora rizika up...

By Nada Letić, Tatjana Marković-Basara, Mira Spremo