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Introduction. The amniotic membrane is used in transplant surgery, ophthalmology and dermatology. Various methods have been developed to preserve amniotic membrane: hypothermic storage, cryopreservation, lyophilization. Transplantation of fresh amniotic membrane showed low inflammatory response. The efficient antibiotic solutions are carefully chos...

By Vesna Ljubojević, Sanja Jovičić, Milka Mavija, Zoran Vujković

Uvod. Lokalizovani defekti retinalnog sloja nervnih vlakana (retinal nervefibre layer, RNFL) najčešće se javljaju u ranom glaukomu sa učestalošću oko20%. Heidelberg Retina Tomograf (HRT 3) je konfokalna skening laser oftalmoskopijadizajnirana kako bi olakšala objektivnu i kvantitativnu procjenupapile i RNFL. Cilj rada je bio da...

By Bojana Markić, Emira Ignjatić, Vesna Ljubojević, Milka Mavija

The study concerns a 65-year-old female patient with pterygium of right eye and histologically verified conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. The lesion was diagnosed as pterygium and treated surgically. Histological examination of the excised material found the presence of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. The significance of this case rep...

By Ljilja Amidžić, Vesna Ljubojević, Radoslav Gajanin, Milka Mavija