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Introduction. Vitamin D is a liposoluble vitamin that has many important roles in the human body. Daily requirements for vitamin D are met through intake of food and exposure to sunlight. The high frequency of vitamin D deficiency is a public health problem that can be corrected using food supplements (FS), which is why its consumption is increasin...

By Ljubica Bojanić, Mirjana Djermanovic

Introduction. Arsenic exists in various forms in nature and living organisms. Toxic elements, including arsenic, which are present in some plants, can severely damage haemopoietic, immune, nervous and reproductive systems. For this reason, a content of heavy metals is one of the criteria for the assessment of the safe use of plant material in the p...

By Mirjana Đermanović, Ljubica Bojanić, Relja Suručić, Vesna Antunović

Uvod. Populacija muškaraca koji imaju seksualne odnose sa muškarcima(MSM) predstavlja posebno osjetljivu grupu za prenos HIV-a i drugih polnoprenosivih infekcija.Vulnerabilnost se povećava usljed rizičnog ponašanja,marginalizovanja, stigmatizovanja kao i nedostupnosti zdravstveno-socijalnezaštite. Cilj rada je bio da se ...

By Jela Aćimović, Ljubica Jandrić, Nina Rodić Vukmir, Slobodan Stanić, Ljubica Bojanić, Biljana Mijović, Janja Bojanić