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The results of a research must be communicated to as large an audience as possible, and the best way to achieve this goal is to publish a paper in scientific journal. The scientific paper has strong structure and organization, the main chapters following the IMRAD acronym, which stands for Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion,...

By Ljiljana Vučković-Dekić

25.06.2013. For Practice
Reviewer – authors’ best friend

Peer review is the accepted method for ensuring that the science reported in the biomedical literature is of the highest quality. Reviewers, who are always recruited among the most prominent scientists in the field, are the heart of the peer-review system, and no editor can get along without them. Many authors, especially the younger ones, are unaw...

By Ljiljana Vučković-Dekić

01.12.2011. Educational article
Autorstvo/koautorstvo/lažno autorstvo

Autorstvo je od najvećeg značaja za evaluaciju rada naučnika. Kako je savremenanauka multidisciplinarna i multiprofesionalna, jedan naučni članakje rezultat rada više saradnika, pa se u listi (ko)autora pojavljuje sve većibroj osoba. Iz te činjenice pojavljuje se novi pojam u istoriji nauke – lažnoautorstvo, t.j., pripisivanje autorstv...

By Ljiljana Vučković-Dekić