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Introduction. The main goal of each root canal treatment therapy is the thorough cleaning and obturation of the entire root canal system. The main reasons for endodontic failure are incomplete instrumentation, inadequate cleaning, insufficient canal obturation, and the presence of untreated canals. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the ro...

By Ljiljana Kulić, Jelena Krunić, Nikola Stojanović, Dajana Nogo-Živanović

Uvod. Nekarijesne cervikalne lezije su gubitak tvrdog zubnog tkiva na vratuzuba, najčešće lokalizovan na vestibularnoj površini. Ovakav gubitak mineralizovanezubne strukture može biti uzrokovan različitim etiološkim faktorima,a može dovesti do neugodne preosjetljivosti, bolnih senzacija, patološkihpromjena u pulpi i kona...

By Aleksandra Žuža, Jelena Krunić, Smiljka Cicmil, Nikola Stojanović, Đorđe Božović