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Demencija je stečeni poremećaj koji nastaje po završetku razvoja inteligencije.Heterogenost i varijabilnost kliničkih obeležja, kao i histopatoloških nalaza,navela je mnoge autore da pokušaju da koncipiraju vodič koji će poslužiti kakoza lakše postavljanje dijagnoze demencija u odnosu na druge bolesti, tako injeno defini...

By Goran Vasić, Goran Mihajlović, Vladimir Jurišić, Snežana Medenica

Holistic approach to the nature of human beings shows the view of the man as a unique and indivisible whole and not as a collection of organs that are not interconnected. This means the integrity of the biological, psychological and social nature of the man and that just means the psychosomatic approach to the disease. More and more studies indicat...

By Snežana Medenica, Milan Stojaković, Bogdan Zrnić, Goran Vasić, Verica Prodanović, Helena Marić