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Introduction. Conflict is a process during which one person consciously and intentionally makes an effort to prevent the other person’s efforts, some kind of blockade that will lead to interruption in achieving the goals and interests of the other person. Conflicts in the healthcare team are common and can lead to reduced productivity in the ...

By Maja Ćeha, Bojan Joksimović, Mile Despotović, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Mijović, Ivana Vukotić, Zlatko Maksimović, Marija Milić

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a chronic microvascular complication of diabetes. Due to the dramatic increase in the number of diabetes cases, the prevalence of DR has also risen, making it the leading cause of blindness among the working-age population worldwide, despite the availability of screenings and modern therapeutic options. Risk factors for...

By Nada Avram, Biljana Mijović, Dragana Sokolović, Biljana Milinković, Verica Prodanović, Nenad Lalović, Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković

Introduction. The patient and his safety should be at the center of quality health care, which is a challenge for every health system. Adverse patient outcomes (APO) are defined as damage caused by a drug or other intervention in a primary, secondary or tertiary health care facility, which results in a complication of the primary or the emergence o...

By Ivana Vukotić, Mile Despotović, Bojan Joksimović, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Mijović, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban, Maja Abazović, Kristina Drašković, Marija Milić

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society for Hypertension, elevated blood pressure is defined as the blood pressure the readings of which consistently range ≥ 140 mmHg systolic and/or 90 mmHg diastolic. Having in mind the fact that hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for cardiovasluar disease, ki...

By Maja Vuković, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović, Vesna Lazić

29.12.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Visual-motor integration of younger school-aged children

Introduction. Visual-motor integration (VMI) is defined as the degree to which visual perception (VP) and finger-hand movements are well coordinated. The VMI consists of two components: VP and motor coordination (MC). The main goal of our research was to determine whether there are differences in age and gender categories in VMI, VP and MC scores, ...

By Jelena Milić, Sladjana Djorem, Ana Lukić, Marko Petrović, Bojan Joksimović, Biljana Mijović, Radmila Balaban, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Dajana Nogo Živanović, Veljko Marić

Cardiovascular diseases rank first on the mortality list globally or 31%. The basic measure of prevention in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization is a change in risk lifestyle in terms of diet, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption. Vitamin D was previously recognized as a regulator of calcium and phosph...

By Olivera Rašević, Maida Mulić, Maja Vuković, Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović

Introduction. Serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is a valuable method of estimating the extent of COVID-19 disease prevalence. The study aims to assess the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in a specific group of respondents employed in the health insurance sector, to determine the ratio of symptomatic and asymptomatic ca...

By Dragan Spaić, Anđela Mandić, Biljana Mijović, Srdjan Mašić, Dejan Bokonjić, Dragana Puhalo Sladoje

Introduction. Inhalation of coal dust during blasting in brown coal mines has been shown to lead to a lung disease called pneumoconiosis. There is very little data in the literature on the direct impact of coal on the quality of life of people who work in coal mines as well as the body's immune response to the effects of coal dust. The aim was to e...

By Biljana Mijović, Bojan Joksimović, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Stanić, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Biljana Čančar

Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide. Recently, mortality and morbidity from CVD have shown a trend in its occurrence in earlier years, while these diseases have been associated with older age until recently. In developed countries, mortality from diseases caused by atherosclerosis has decreased over the la...

By Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović

Chronic non-communicable diseases are diseases that arise as a response of the human body to a number of factors, the most important of which are ecological and socio-economic factors. According to the World Health Organization, their classification is based on mortality and morbidity statistics. The top four leading causes of death are as follows:...

By Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović