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Uvod. Ankilozirajući spondilitis (Morbus Bechterew) je hronično zapaljensko,reumatsko oboljenje koje se odlikuje sinovitisom sakroilijačnih zglobova i sinovijskihzglobova kičmenog stuba. Cilj rada je prikazati značaj kontinuiranekineziterapije u liječenju ankilozirajućeg spondilitisa.Prikaz bolesnika. Bolesnik (muškarac, star 38 godina) sa a...

By Aleksandra Marković, Aleksandra Hadžiavdvić, Nikola Gavrić

Introduction. Lower-leg fractures represent the most often fractures of long bones. The most frequent fractures are those in middle-aged patients when their work and life activities are very intensive. The aim of the study was to determine the result of the treatment of closed lower-leg fractures with external fixation.Methods. These patients in wh...

By Mladenko Lazić, Saša Vidić, Nikola Gavrić, Aleksandra Hadžiavdvić