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Introduction. Since the announcement of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the health system has been facing great challenges. Due to several uncertainties and concerns, surgeons face a huge challenge in solving urgent surgical conditions in order to save a life. Case report. We present a patient with a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and acute abdomen who ...

By Džemail Detanac, Enes Zogić, Džemil Bihorac, Dženana Detanac, Lejla Ćeranić, Mehmed Mujdragić, Kemal Alihodžić, Irfan Ćorović

In industry and the public sector quality has become the important management challenge of the 21st century. Although quality should be self-understanding in healthcare the reality shows another picture. There are nowadays international standards and models of quality excellence which make the introduction and control of quality management even in ...

By Hans-Günther Sonntag

Introduction. Deja vu (franc. Déjà vu) is a phenomenon experienced by two thirds of all people. However, this phenomenon can follow aura during the temporal lobe epilepsy. It is believed that it originates from hippocampus, which plays a major role in generating epileptic discharges. Some authors emphasize that in these patients d&eac...

By Goran Popović, Ranka Mirković, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Milinković, Tatjana Elez-Gavrilović

Introduction. The transition to university education as a stressful period and the need to be likeable where physical appearance is concerned can be a trigger for a change in attitudes towards eating patterns. Body composition is an essential component of nutritional status and the most common parameter used as an indicator of physical appearance. ...

By Olivera Pilipović-Spasojević, Nenad Ponorac, Mira Spremo

Introduction. According to previous studies, compulsive buying is the problem in the world today by means of which a large number of people, especially women, face their problems in everyday life and functioning. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between shopping addiction, emotions, and stress and general...

By Nina Eraković, Šemsudin Porčić, Mira Spremo

Introduction. Low back pain is common in adult population, especially in nurses working in the intensive care units. In our country, the subject has not been investigated so far. The aim of the paper is to examine the frequency of low back pain and its connection to psychosocial characteristics. Methods. The questionnaire consisting of general demo...

By Dragana Jovanović, Dragana Backović, Ljubica Pejakov

Nursing is an established discipline that helps people in having a productive and healthy life as well as in coping with health problems in the best possible way using established skills. The application of nursing interventions and measures based on the analysis and assessment of patient needs, problems and difficulties observed, and his or her ab...

By Amajla Topuz, Ivana Miljković

Introduction. Art reception and experiencing is a complex process, containing creative components. The experience of a work of art involves reproduction, in the viewer's consciousness, of the experiences and excitement that the artist himself or herself have undergone in the process of creating the same works of art. When viewing visual images, our...

By Marko Popadić, Siniša Ristić

Introduction. In daily use, a large majority of patients make inhalation errors. Primary health care doctors have an important role in preventing improper use of inhalers. The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of knowledge regarding the correct use of inhalers among physicians who work in primary health care centers as well as to evaluate ...

By Marina Fišeković-Kremić

Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that in 2016 more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Over 650 million of them were obese. Diet quality in university students is determined by factors such as family, food availability and meals in student canteens. The purpose of this study was to investigate fre...

By Suzana Savić, Gordana Tešanović, Larisa Gavran, Saša Stanivuković