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01.12.2020. Original Scientific Articles
The importance of physical activity in diabetes

Introduction. Obesity is becoming a global urgent issue that is considered a health problem in developed and developing countries. Obesity is a major risk factor for many non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), hypertension, coronary heart disease, or certain types of cancer. Physical activity is c...

By Miloš Purković, Danka Vukašinović, Una Radak

Introduction. Tinnitus is a perception of a sound in the ears in the absence of acoustic stimulation whose pathophysiological mechanisms have not been evaluated yet. Approximately, 1-2% of people report distress which can negatively affect their daily performance. Our study aimed to assess the incidence of anxiety in patients with tinnitus. Methods...

By Nenad Arsović, Zoran Dudvarski, Gabrijela Šolaja, Ljiljana Krsmanović, Siniša Šolaja, Bojan Joksimović

Voice is a significant component of communication that allows us to express information and emotions, so it is the foundation of verbal communication. Maturation of the body involves dilation of the larynx and lower positioning of the larynx in the neck, resulting in multiple changes in voice quality. The rapid changes in the human larynx during pu...

By Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is a valuable method of estimating the extent of COVID-19 disease prevalence. The study aims to assess the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in a specific group of respondents employed in the health insurance sector, to determine the ratio of symptomatic and asymptomatic ca...

By Dragan Spaić, Anđela Mandić, Biljana Mijović, Srdjan Mašić, Dejan Bokonjić, Dragana Puhalo Sladoje

Introduction. Inhalation of coal dust during blasting in brown coal mines has been shown to lead to a lung disease called pneumoconiosis. There is very little data in the literature on the direct impact of coal on the quality of life of people who work in coal mines as well as the body's immune response to the effects of coal dust. The aim was to e...

By Biljana Mijović, Bojan Joksimović, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Stanić, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Biljana Čančar

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By Siniša Ristić

Introduction. Successful endodontic treatment depends upon the clinician's knowledge and ability to recognize and diagnose the presence of anatomical and morphological variations of the root and canal system. The aim of this study was to establish the number of roots and root canal configurations of the maxillary second premolar in the population o...

By Brankica Davidović, Ljiljana Bjelović, Igor Radović, Bojana Davidović, Svjetlana Janković, Smiljka Cicmil

The vascular approach is a prerequisite for performing hemodialysis, but their "weak points" are different and frequent complications. Modern guidelines recommend native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the first choice of vascular approach because it is characterized by the longest survival and the least complications compared to other vascular appr...

By Nenad Lalović, Zlatko Maksimović, Siniša Maksimović

Introduction.  Recent data show that 1/5 of patients with chest pain in the emergency room (ER) have an acute coronary syndrome that requires admission and treatment. Current guidelines have endorsed the HEART score for admission, observation or discharge in individual patients. We aimed to assess performance of the HEART score at the Universi...

By Bojan Stanetić, Nenad Jaćimović, Šemsudin Porčić

Autophagy is a dynamic process, conserved in all eukaryotes. It is responsible for the degradation of cytoplasmic content. Autophagy is crucial in cell survival and cell death. It plays a significant role in the cell response to stress, nutrient deficiencies, embryonic development, tumor suppression, response to pathogens and aging. The process of ...

By Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković, Lejla Pojskić, Sanin Haverić, Ajla Smajlović