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Cardiovascular diseases rank first on the mortality list globally or 31%. The basic measure of prevention in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization is a change in risk lifestyle in terms of diet, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption. Vitamin D was previously recognized as a regulator of calcium and phosph...

By Olivera Rašević, Maida Mulić, Maja Vuković, Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović

Introduction. Higher level of knowledge and frequent contacts with peers with disabilities can influence the emergence of more positive attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities. In regard to that, our aim was to test the importance of knowledge, contact frequency and other possible factors influencing attitudes of students toward disab...

By Slađana Đorem, Gordana Odović, Ana Lukić, Jelena Milić, Milena Božinović, Bojan Joksimović

Introduction. Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea, associated with the use of antibiotics. The most common ways of transmitting the infection in hospitals are contaminated surfaces of the premises and the hands of medical staff. Methods. The study involved 68 nurses/technicians employed at the University Hospital Foca ...

By Ivana Miljković, Amajla Topuz

Introduction. Inhalation of coal dust during blasting in brown coal mines has been shown to lead to a lung disease called pneumoconiosis. There is very little data in the literature on the direct impact of coal on the quality of life of people who work in coal mines as well as the body's immune response to the effects of coal dust. The aim was to e...

By Biljana Mijović, Bojan Joksimović, Zlatko Maksimović, Slobodan Stanić, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban Đurević, Biljana Čančar

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By Siniša Ristić

Introduction.  Recent data show that 1/5 of patients with chest pain in the emergency room (ER) have an acute coronary syndrome that requires admission and treatment. Current guidelines have endorsed the HEART score for admission, observation or discharge in individual patients. We aimed to assess performance of the HEART score at the Universi...

By Bojan Stanetić, Nenad Jaćimović, Šemsudin Porčić

The vascular approach is a prerequisite for performing hemodialysis, but their "weak points" are different and frequent complications. Modern guidelines recommend native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the first choice of vascular approach because it is characterized by the longest survival and the least complications compared to other vascular appr...

By Nenad Lalović, Zlatko Maksimović, Siniša Maksimović

Introduction. Writing is the most complex human ability and the most direct form of communication. Auditory discrimination is the ability to distinguish different sounds of language. After the age of seven, difficulties in auditory discrimination, even of similar sounds, are considered a pathological phenomenon. The aim of the research was to deter...

By Vesela Milankov, Ivana Anđić, Jelena Vrućinić, Ljiljana Simić, Milica Stelkić

Autophagy is a dynamic process, conserved in all eukaryotes. It is responsible for the degradation of cytoplasmic content. Autophagy is crucial in cell survival and cell death. It plays a significant role in the cell response to stress, nutrient deficiencies, embryonic development, tumor suppression, response to pathogens and aging. The process of ...

By Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković, Lejla Pojskić, Sanin Haverić, Ajla Smajlović

Introduction. Patients affected with Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS) have a deficiency of monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), a protein primarily responsible for the transport of triiodothyronine (T3) into the brain. This X-linked disorder affects almost exclusively males with clinical presentation encompassing developmental delay, axial hyp...

By Adrijan Sarajlija, Slađana Todorović, Biljana Alimpić, Maja Čehić