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Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout syndrome as a condition caused by chronic stress at work, which may be associated with the onset and worsening of psychosomatic illnesses and the quality of life of sufferers. The aim of the work was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome in the population of people with lea...

By Vesna Krstović Spremo, Sanja Marić, Ljiljana Kulić

Introduction. Placental dysfunction is underlying cause in most of the intrauterine growth restriction and the pregnancy complications where the fetus does not achieve its genetically determined potential for growth. The critical process for the development of the placenta is angiogenesis. CD31 is an important endothelial adhesion protein that enab...

By Vesna Ljubojević, Sanja Jovičić, Dragica Draganović, Ljiljana Amidžić, Biljana Vatreš, Nataša Vojinović

Introduction. Assessment of the occupational risk of exposure to the new coronavirus of workers engaged in the COVID-19 Departments of the University Clinical Center of Republic of Srpska and the use of personal protective equipment was the aim of this research. Method. In the University Clinical Center of Republic of Srpska (UKC RS), in the C...

By Janja Bojanić, Silvana Trifunović, Antonija Verhaz, Darija Knežević, Mirjana Djermanović, Nataša Knežević, Mladena Malinović

Introduction. Mutations in TMEM38B gene, which encodes the endoplasmatic reticulum membrane trimeric intracellular cation channel (TRIC) type B, cause osteogenesis imperfecta type XIV. So far there have been only four different pathogenic variants reported in TMEM38B. Clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta type XIV described in scarce reports...

By Nikola Georgijev, Slobodan Gazikalović, Zoran Paunović, Nikola Ilić, Adrijan Sarajlija

Speech is a way of communication formed by rhythmic units of syllables, words and sentences, and as such is inherent in man, the only being whose organs and psyche are trained for this process. Delayed speech is defined as a phenomenon in which a child does not start speaking on time, or there are errors in the speech pattern that are not appropria...

By Ana Lukić, Bojan Joksimović, Jelena Vidojević, Kristina Drašković, Aleksandar Tanović, Veljko Marić, Nenad Lalović, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Siniša Ristić

Introduction. Subcortical auditory centers have several sources of blood supply. Cochlear nuclei are vascularized by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. Superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries supply the inferior colliculus nucleus, while the medial geniculate body nucleus is supplied by several posterior cerebral artery branches. ...

By Tatjana Bućma, Zdenka Krivokuća, Igor Sladojević

Introduction. Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent type of malignancy and the leading cause of cancer related death among women worldwide. BC is exceptionally heterogeneous disease and therefore distinct treatment modalities are necessary to address these differences. The aim of our study was to investigate the impact of TP53 and PTEN tumor supp...

By Nikola Tanić, Tatjana Dramićanin, Nejla Ademović, Tijana Tomić, Blagoje Murganić, Zorka Milovanović, Milica Nedeljković, Nasta Tanić

29.12.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Visual-motor integration of younger school-aged children

Introduction. Visual-motor integration (VMI) is defined as the degree to which visual perception (VP) and finger-hand movements are well coordinated. The VMI consists of two components: VP and motor coordination (MC). The main goal of our research was to determine whether there are differences in age and gender categories in VMI, VP and MC scores, ...

By Jelena Milić, Sladjana Djorem, Ana Lukić, Marko Petrović, Bojan Joksimović, Biljana Mijović, Radmila Balaban, Vesna Krstović Spremo, Dajana Nogo Živanović, Veljko Marić

Introduction. Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea, associated with the use of antibiotics. The most common ways of transmitting the infection in hospitals are contaminated surfaces of the premises and the hands of medical staff. Methods. The study involved 68 nurses/technicians employed at the University Hospital Foca ...

By Ivana Miljković, Amajla Topuz

Cardiovascular diseases rank first on the mortality list globally or 31%. The basic measure of prevention in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization is a change in risk lifestyle in terms of diet, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption. Vitamin D was previously recognized as a regulator of calcium and phosph...

By Olivera Rašević, Maida Mulić, Maja Vuković, Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović