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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a chronic microvascular complication of diabetes. Due to the dramatic increase in the number of diabetes cases, the prevalence of DR has also risen, making it the leading cause of blindness among the working-age population worldwide, despite the availability of screenings and modern therapeutic options. Risk factors for...

By Nada Avram, Biljana Mijović, Dragana Sokolović, Biljana Milinković, Verica Prodanović, Nenad Lalović, Nikolina Elez-Burnjaković

Introduction. With the development of medical and health sciences, research problems have become more complex, and relying solely on quantitative or qualitative research approaches is no longer sufficient. The aim of this paper was to map the progress and trends in the scientific literature regarding the application of mixed studies in medical and ...

By Srdjan Živanović, Jelena Pavlović, Natalija Hadživuković, Sandra Matović, Olivera Kalajdžić, Bojana Vuković, Ljubiša Kucurski

Introduction. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are a serious global health problem affecting mostly younger and middle-aged persons. Despite the availability of variety of treatment approaches, the disease often progresses unpredictably. Biological drugs offer hope for IBD treatment. Our research share our preliminary findings regarding the monito...

By Goran Bokan, Tanja Glamočanin, Lana Mandić, Zoran Mavija

Introduction. Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (DFH) is a reactive lesion that occurs as a result of chronic trauma caused by the denture on the oral mucosa. Case report. A female patient, 56 years old, reported to the Specialist Center for Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in Foča for the fabrication of complete dentures. She wore previous ...

By Smiljka Cicmil, Ognjenka Janjić-Pavlović, Mihael Stanojević, Ana Cicmil, Olivera Govedarica, Zorica Stojanović, Jelena Lečić

27.12.2023. Original Scientific Articles
Lexical-semantic abilities of five-to-six-year-old children

Introduction. The development of the semantic level of the language system begins at the end of the first year of life, when a child begins to use the first words. During childhood, the child gradually increases his/her vocabulary and learns semantic characteristics. The main aim of this paper is to determine the lexical-semantic abilities of presc...

By Ana Jegdić, Mile Vuković

Introduction. Conflict is a process during which one person consciously and intentionally makes an effort to prevent the other person’s efforts, some kind of blockade that will lead to interruption in achieving the goals and interests of the other person. Conflicts in the healthcare team are common and can lead to reduced productivity in the ...

By Maja Ćeha, Bojan Joksimović, Mile Despotović, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Mijović, Ivana Vukotić, Zlatko Maksimović, Marija Milić

13.06.2023. Original Scientific Articles
Idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome in male patients

Introduction. The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in male patients, due to anatomical characteristics and the perception of CTS-related symptoms, remains undetected for a long time. Men respond less well to CTS treatment, and early detection enables conservative treatment of mild and moderate CTS. The aim of this paper was to examine the average age, ...

By Igor Sladojević, Tatjana Bućma, Ostoja Savić

Introduction. Vitamin D is a liposoluble vitamin that has many important roles in the human body. Daily requirements for vitamin D are met through intake of food and exposure to sunlight. The high frequency of vitamin D deficiency is a public health problem that can be corrected using food supplements (FS), which is why its consumption is increasin...

By Ljubica Bojanić, Mirjana Djermanovic

Introduction. Cardiovascular complications are one of the leading causes of mortality releted to diabetes mellitus typ 2 (T2DM). Dyslipidemia is one of the associated risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with T2DM. The aims of our study were: to determine the characteristics of lipid disorders in persons with T2DM; to determin...

By Kosana Stanetić, Marijana Radanović Knežević, Verica Petrović, Suzana Savić, Dijana Tomić Prodanović, Brankica Marković

Introduction. The aim of this article was to present a case of a foreign body in the external auditory canal described as a pseudotumor of the middle ear, as well as to point out diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this problem. Case report. An 8-year-old girl was hospitalized several times in our department due to the surgery of left-sided chro...

By Nemanja Radivojević, Dragoslava Djerić, Zoran Dudvarski, Igor Djorić, Ivana Živković, Siniša Šolaja