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Introduction. Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) represent a major healthcare problem all around the world. The most effective methods for the control and prevention of these infections, as well as the methods controlling the growth of hospital-acquired VRE, have not been established yet. The aim of this systematic review of the literature was ...

By Natalija Hadživuković, Biljana Mijović

Tendency of modern diagnostic visualization development in biomedicine is focused on the integration of detection and quantification of molecular, functional and morphological events in the biological systems. The increasing number of patients with chronic kidney disease stimulated the development of new diagnostic methods. The development of magne...

By Siniša Ristić

Hydrocephalus is a hydrodynamic disorder of the cerebrospinal cortex causing an enlargement of the ventricular system and increased pressure around the brain. Hydrocephalus can be divided into congenital and acquired, and, based on occurrence mechanism, into communicative (non-obstructive) and non-communicative (obstructive which can be congenital ...

By Vjeran Saratlić, Vesna Ivanišević

28.12.2019. Reviews
Carcinoma of middle ear

Carcinoma of the middle ear is a rare otologic disease. The development of malignancy is most commonly associated with chronic inflammation of the middle ear, although the mechanisms of this development have not been clarified yet. The symptoms of the carcinoma are not always specific and the cancer is frequently diagnosed in its advanced stage. Ea...

By Dragoslava Đerić

Although physical activity is an important factor in prevention of many chronic, non-infectious diseases, it is rarely used as a regular procedure in dialysis patients. Despite the guidelines on good clinical practice, recommended physical exercise as a part of routine activities is implemented in a very small number of centers. Factors that contri...

By Radojica Stolić, Branko Mihailović, Ivana Matijašević, Maša Jakšić

Introduction. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic disorders that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of certain metabolic syndrome components by applying International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria prior to and after diagnosing ischemic heart disease. Met...

By Žana Pećanac, Kosana Stanetić, Ljubomir Šormaz

Introduction. Tooth injuries are very common in children. They occur during intense physical and mental development, which complicates the clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the injured teeth. Tooth intrusion (Intrusion dentis) is an injury to the surrounding tissue characterized by axial tooth movement towards the jawbone t...

By Milica Šipovac, Jelena Galović, Ljubica Pavlović-Trifunović, Mirjana Perin, Bojan Petrović

Public health represents a field full of unresolved issues which are often raised by highly complex and mutually related events. Due to this, the more frequent use of qualitative scientific research is required. Qualitative research is primarily focused on the world view of an individual or a group, enabling them to form attitudes and practise rela...

By Maja Račić, Milena Dubravac-Tanasković, Janja Bojanić, Biljana Mijović, Slobodan Stanić

28.06.2018. Current topics
Geriatrics in Serbia nowadays

The first hospital department for the treatment of elderly people in the world was founded by Laza Lazarević in Belgrade in 1881. The Division of Geriatrics of the Department of Internal Medicine at the City Hospital in Belgrade was founded in 1963, as the first one in the former Yugoslavia. The first regional department within the field of geronto...

By Mladen Davidović, Milan Ivanović

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as a presence of significant bacteriuria in a properly collected urine sample, followed by various clinical manifestations - from asymptomatic bacteriuria to acute pyelonephritis. It is most common in infancy and particularly in females. There is a higher risk of UTI in children with underlying urological an...

By Vojo Kulić, Veselinka Šupić, Biljana Milinković, Dejan Bokonjić, Bojan Joksimović