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In the 1980-s, the attention of the public was attracted by the research of James Flynn, who noticed something interesting - as the time went by, respondents achieved higher scores in the IQ tests. According to his research, as well as the researches of the authors who were engaged in the subject, the observed increase was 4.4 points per decade on ...

By Igor Vujović, Djordje Petronić

There is a daily increase in the number of patients with malignant diseases, but with the advances in modern oncology research, the number of survivors treated with malignant diseases is becoming larger and larger. The survival rate after completing oncology therapy is increasing on a daily basis, so that malignant diseases belonging to the categor...

By Srđan Popović, Sladjana Popović, Nikolina Dukić, Olivera Čančar, Jelena Vladičić Mašić

28.06.2020. For Practice
Cognitive niche

In a joint publication with Alfred Russell Wallace, Charles Darwin presented the theory which stated that all life forms were developed by natural selection in which the fight for survival had the effect similar to artificial intelligence applied to selective breeding. Despite a coincidence of views concerning the origin of life, these two scientis...

By Đorđe Petronić, Igor Vujović

Introduction. The Burnout syndrom is a health issue that greatly disables a person. It includes emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced efficiency in the workplace. So far, this issue has not been addressed where medical staff is concerned. Methods. The Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Service Survey and Demografic Questionnaire were u...

By Dragana Backović, Dragana Jovanović, Ljubica Pejakov

Introduction. Whether it is a classic version of the flap or its modification, the Limberg flap is an appropriate solution for covering small and medium-sized defects, as well as for covering largesized defects where certain localizations are concerned. It represents a local, transposition flap that has proven to be a safe option. Methods. The defe...

By Zuhra Memić, Vera Sabljak, Helena Marić-Kujundžić, Bojan Kujundžić, Siniša Kojić, Miroslav Obrenović

Introduction. The success of endodontic treatment depends on the adequate biomechanical preparation and obturation of the entire root canal system. The untreated or poorly debrided/obturated root canals are among the most frequent causes of endodontic treatment failure. The endodontic treatment of maxillary molar has the highest failure rates due t...

By Bojana Mastilo, Sladjana Ćalasan

Introduction. Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) encompasses a heterogeneous group of inflammatory disorders affecting nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Rhinosinusitis is the most common condition in the United States. It is estimated that over 30 million people annually visit the doctor due to this condition, while every sixth adult suffers from ARS. Am...

By Ljiljana Krsmanović, Vladimir Turuntaš, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) as attractive natural materials, have numerous applications in the biomedical field. Their unique biomechanical characteristics, surface chemistry, low cost and sustainable nature make them an engaging alternative to conventional materials and potentiate their use as progressive material. Therefore, it is...

By Miloš Vasiljević, Sergej Tomić, Marina Bekić, Bojan Joksimović, Dragana Vučević, Miodrag Čolić

Introduction. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) plays one of the key roles in the migration of inflammatory cells and the destructive behavior of acquired middle ear cholesteatoma. The aim of the study was to determine the expression levels of MMP-9 in chronic otitis media, with and without acquired cholesteatoma, as well as to determine the corre...

By Dalibor Vranješ, Slobodan Spremo, Siniša Šolaja

Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that in 2016 more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Over 650 million of them were obese. Diet quality in university students is determined by factors such as family, food availability and meals in student canteens. The purpose of this study was to investigate fre...

By Suzana Savić, Gordana Tešanović, Larisa Gavran, Saša Stanivuković