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Introduction. Conflict is a process during which one person consciously and intentionally makes an effort to prevent the other person’s efforts, some kind of blockade that will lead to interruption in achieving the goals and interests of the other person. Conflicts in the healthcare team are common and can lead to reduced productivity in the ...

By Maja Ćeha, Bojan Joksimović, Mile Despotović, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Mijović, Ivana Vukotić, Zlatko Maksimović, Marija Milić

Introduction. The patient and his safety should be at the center of quality health care, which is a challenge for every health system. Adverse patient outcomes (APO) are defined as damage caused by a drug or other intervention in a primary, secondary or tertiary health care facility, which results in a complication of the primary or the emergence o...

By Ivana Vukotić, Mile Despotović, Bojan Joksimović, Dejan Bokonjić, Biljana Mijović, Milena Božinović, Radmila Balaban, Maja Abazović, Kristina Drašković, Marija Milić

Introduction. According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), mental illnesses are on the rise. The World Health Report estimates that today about 1 billion people suffer from mental and behavioral disorders or psychosocial problems such as those related to alcohol and drug abuse. Stigmatization of the mentally ill is one of the burni...

By Srdjan Živanović, Veselinka Kulić, Bojan Joksimović, Vedrana Joksimović, Marija Milić