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Introduction. Multiparametric magnetic resonance mammography (mMRM) has an important role in detection, evaluation and follow-up of breast lesions. The aim of this study was to explore whether imaging parameters, in particular ADC, can be used as a biomarker of cell proliferation in breast cancer. Methods. This cohort-study included 67 lesions in 5...

By Jelena Marić, Jasmina Boban, Tatjana Ivković-Kapicl, Dragana Djilas, Viktorija Vučaj-Ćirilović, Dragana Bogdanović-Stojanović

Cancer-related cognitive dysfunction is an important clinical probem that can interfere with the daily functioning, work productivity, childcare, and other responsibilities of women with a history of breast cancer. Risks of cancer-related cognitive impairment include cancer and cancer treatment, as well as patient-related vulnerabilities. There is ...

By Gorica Vuksanović, Jelena Marić, Olivera Kalajdžić, Ivana Zečević, Sandra Matovic, Siniša Ristić