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The participation of deaf and hard of hearing people in sports activities contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in all its domains, and compared to people with some other types of disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing people achieve higher scores in sports activities. Practicing sports activities improves physical health, mental st...

By Jasmina Karić B., Milena Kordić B., Vladimir Živanović R., Jana Mitrić, Siniša Šolaja, Ilija Stijepić

28.12.2019. Original Scientific Articles
Functional ability of men aged 65 or more

Introduction. Aging is a biological process leading to the decrease in functional ability which is defined as an ability to perform activities of daily living in a secure, independent and effective way. The aim of the study was to examine the functional ability of men aged ≥ 65 years as well as to determine the differences in functional ability ...

By Ilija Stijepić, Tamara Popović, Dragana Sredić-Cartes