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Introduction. Data on newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes and the incidence of this disease are very significant. Studies like this one, with an analysis of incidence over the past 25 years, help not only locally but also globally.Methods. The primary source of data is hospital records from hospital centers in Republic of Srpska. The secondary...

By Gordana Bukara-Radujković

Introduction. Recent researches have shown that a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) can be the marker of chronic inflammation. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the serum hs-CRP concentration can be used as biomarker of inflammation in children with acute asthma attack and allergic rhinitis, as well as whether the monitoring...

By Dragana Malčić-Zanić, Olivera Ljuboja, Gordana Bukara-Radujković, Snežana Petrović-Tepić