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The quality of health services has become a priority in the modern health system, defined as a service that meets professional and patient needs by efficiently using resources and minimizing risks. The quality of health care implies the best possible outcomes, timely service, rational use of resources and application of appropriate procedures. Qual...

By Tamara Milosavljević, Nina Stoičević, Dragan Ivanović

Introduction. Success in endodontic treatment depends upon the clinician's knowledge and ability to recognize and diagnose the presence of anatomical and morphological variations of the root and canal system. Mandibular canines are usually recognized as having one root and one root canal. In spite of the low incidence of mandibular canines with one...

By Dajana Nogo-Živanović, Dragan Ivanović, Tanja Ivanović, Marina Radanović, Biljana Vasiljević, Miljan Ćorić, Ivana Simić

01.12.2016. Original Scientific Articles
Need for orthodontic treatment among children in Foča

Introduction. Orthodontic treatment is a common dental procedure in developedcountries. Assessment of orthodontic treatment need is importantfor health services planning and population trends monitoring. The aim ofthis study was to assess the need for orthodontic treatment among childrenin Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods. The study involved 81...

By Predrag Nikolić, Ljiljana Stojanović, Tanja Ivanović, Dragan Ivanović, Marina Milinković, Bojan Joksimović

Uvod. Oralno zdravlje je neraskidivi dio cjelokupnog zdravlja. Stanje uposlijeratnom periodu, neadekvatna ishrana i zanemarena briga o oralnomzdravlju, odrazila se na zdravlje usta i zuba djece na ovim područjima. Ciljistraživanja je da se procijeni uticaj promocije oralnog zdravlja primjenompreventivnih mjera i zdravstvenim prosvjećivanjem na sman...

By Bojana Davidović, Svjetlana Janković, Dragan Ivanović, Tanja Ivanović, Zoran Vulićević, Mirjana Ivanović, Dejan Bokonjić