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Introduction.  Recent data show that 1/5 of patients with chest pain in the emergency room (ER) have an acute coronary syndrome that requires admission and treatment. Current guidelines have endorsed the HEART score for admission, observation or discharge in individual patients. We aimed to assess performance of the HEART score at the Universi...

By Bojan Stanetić, Nenad Jaćimović, Šemsudin Porčić

Introduction. Burnout syndrome is a common problem among healthcare workers. The aim of the study was to investigate the level of stress, components of burnout syndrome and the most common causes of workplace stress among the physicians working in the Primary Health Care Center Banja Luka, after which the obtained results concerning family physicia...

By Brankica Marković, Kosana Stanetić, Verica Petrović, Bojan Stanetić