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30.06.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Influence of smoking on voice quality

Introduction. During smoking, specific morphological changes occur within the larynx, which results in changes in voice quality. Given that voice is related to quality of life, it is necessary to identify the impact of smoking on voice quality. Methods. A group of 85 respondents, aged 22 to 70 years (AS = 35.61; SD = 11.36), both sexes, categorize...

By Bojana Vuković, Slađana Ćalasan, Andrea Vegar

Introduction. Technology has the potential to reduce isolation, increase independence, provide educational, financial and social opportunities for users, but there may still be barriers, especially for people with disabilities or sensory deficits. Therefore, it is very important to determine what science has been dealing with in this area, more pre...

By Bojana Vuković, Sladjana Ćalasan, Andrea Vegar, Sanja Živanović