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Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart as a method of long-term monitoring of right heart function after tetralogy of Fallot surgery

By Biljana Milinković, Jelena Milić, Dejan Bokonjić, Verica Prodanović, Bojan Joksimović, Siniša Ristić

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Publishing collaboration


Edited by:

Prof. Siniša Ristić MD, PhD

Vol 15, No 2 (2024):

Biomedicinska istraživanja

Published: 18.12.2024.

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06.02.2025. Original Scientific Articles Online First
The role of voice-related quality of life (V-RQOL) questionnaire in assessing quality of life in patients with vocal fold paralysis

By Mirjana Gnjatić, Dalibor Vranješ, Daliborka Tadić, Zorica Novaković

Introduction. Vocal fold paralysis (VFP) is characterized by the immobility of one or both vocal folds, leading to impaired phonation, which significantly affects the patient’s professional and social activities. The aim of this study was to examine the importance of the Voice-related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) questionnaire in assessing the quality of life (QL) of patients with VFP.
Methods. A retrospective study included 110 patients of both sexes, aged 18 to 70 years, diagnosed with VFP, treated between 2021 and 2023. The group with speech therapy (ST) included 80 patients, and the group without ST included 30 patients. The ear, nose and throat (ENT) and phoniatric examinations, as well as additional diagnostic tests, were performed. Patients were surveyed using the V-RQOL questionnaire to assess their quality of life. 
Results. The highest frequency of VFP was observed in 39 (35.45%) patients with complications following thyroid surgery. 
Patients in the ST group showed a statistically significant (p < 0.001) higher frequency of good (48.75%) and excellent (10%) QL compared to those in the non-ST group. The sensitivity of the total score of the V-RQOL questionnaire was 88.2%, correctly identifying ST patients.
Conclusion. The V-RQOL questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure for assessing the quality of life in patients with VFP.

28.12.2019. Original Scientific Articles
Impact of elapsed time between first symptoms and diagnosis of celiac disease on psycho-physical functioning and social life of children and adolescents

By Biljana Stojanović-Jovanović, Stevan Jovanović, Biljana Vuletić

Introduction. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease resulting from an inadequate immune response to gluten in genetically predisposed individuals as a result of consuming gluten and other related proteins present in wheat, rye, barley and oats. The only cure for this specific disease is a strict, carefully controlled and lifelong gluten-free diet. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the elapsed time between the onset of the first symptoms and the diagnosis of celiac disease affected the psycho-physical functioning and social life of children and adolescents.

Methods. The study involved 116 respondents (39 of them were males), aged 8-18 years, who were diagnosed with celiac disease. The Documentation Sheet and the Celiac-Specific Pediatric Health-Related Instrument (CDPQOL), measuring the psycho-physical functioning and social life, were used in the study.

Results. 50% of subjects, aged ≤ 2 years, were diagnosed with celiac disease. 48.28% of them were diagnosed with the disease within three months after the symptom onset. In respondents with celiac disease, aged 8-12 years, there was no statistically significant difference between the psycho-physical functioning and social life and the elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis. In subjects aged 13-18 years, using CDPQOL, a statistically significant difference was found in the following domains: school functioning, going out and social events, self-confidence. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference between total CDPQOL score and the elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis.

Conclusion. The elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis significantly affects the psycho-physical functioning and social life of subjects aged 13-18 years, but it does not affect the psycho-physical functioning and social life of the younger respondents. This is to confirm the importance of early diagnosis and treatment initiation.

Current issue
18.09.2024. Reviews
Possibilities of violation of ethical principles in sponsored research: analysis, consequences, and prevention measures

By Jovan Kulić, Dragana Aksentijević, Ana Kostović, Dejan Krstić, Dragana Branović, Bojan Joksimović, Marija Milić, Stefan Mitić, Siniša Ristić

18.09.2024. Reviews
Anatomy of the vertebral vein

By Slobodan Malobabić

18.09.2024. Original Scientific Articles
Assessment of mental health disorders in individuals with chronic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Danijela Radulović, Srdjan Mašić, Dejan Bokonjić, Svetlana Radević, Ivana Simić Vukomanović, Biljana Mijović, Maja Vuković, Milena Dubravac Tanasković, Mirka Jojić, Jelena Vladičić Mašić, Dragan Spaić

18.09.2024. Original Scientific Articles
The effect of socio-demographic characteristics on the burnout syndrome of nurses in Republic of Srpska during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Ljubiša Kucurski, Tamara Popović, Dijana Djurić, Jelena Pavlović, Ljiljana Savić, Srdjan Živanović, Ljubinka Božić Majstorović, Sanja Tomić

18.09.2024. Original Scientific Articles
Stress in parents of children with developmental disabilities

By Andrijana Bakoč, Olivera Kalajdžić, Ranka Perućica, Ivana Zečević

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01.12.2011. Original Scientific Articles
Dijagnostika fokalnih promjena u jetri

By Zoran Terzić, Branko Brmbolić, Miloš Korać, Boban Đorđević, Dragica Terzić, Bogdanka Andrić, Siniša Ristić

Uvod. Patološki procesi u jetri mogu biti difuznog karaktera (zapaljenski,metaboličke bolesti, hematološke bolesti, toksične bolesti) i fokalne (zapaljenske,parazitarne i tumorske). Cilj rada je prikaz fokalnih promjena u jetrinomparenhimu nakon ultrazvučne, laparaskopske i patohistološke dijagnostike.Metode. Retrospektivno-prospektivnim ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 147punoljetnih pacijenata oba pola. Fokalne promjene jetrinog tkiva su sagledaneultrazvučnom, laparoskopskom i patohistološkom dijagnostikom.Rezultati. Osnovne karakteristike ispitanika: muškaraca 71 i žena 76 sanajvećim brojem pacijenata (102 - 70%) životne dobi između 40 i 70 godina,sa ravnomjernom distribucijom za svakih deset godina starosti. Međutim,neobično je veliki broj pacijenata ženskog pola registrovan u četvrtoj decenijiživota, čak 14 (9,5%) od ukupnog broja ispitanika, odnosno 18% odispitanika ženskog pola. Metastaze čine 104 (71%) svih fokalnih lezija jetre.U većini slučajeva radilo se o metastazama karcinoma dojke. Iako najčešćeimaju tipičnu ultrazvučnu prezentaciju, metastaze u jetri mogu da daju širokspektar različitih ultrazvučnih slikaZaključak. Najčešće fokalne promjene u jetri su metastaze adenokarcinoma.Samo 3 (2%) fokalne promjene dijagnostikovane ultrazvukom nisu potvrđenekao fokalne laparoskopskom tehnikom i patohistološkom analizom tkiva jetre.

30.06.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Voice condition assessment and the effect of rehabilitation in vocal professionals

By Mila Bunijevac, Zlatko Maksimović, Andrijana Mikić

01.12.2012. Original Scientific Articles
Sensibility of tactile discrimination between the fingers of the dominant and non-dominant hands

By Olivera P Spasojević, Zoran Obradović, Slavko Grbić, Marinko Domuzin, Aleksandra Grbić

28.06.2021. Reviews
Vitamin D and atherosclerosis

By Olivera Rašević, Maida Mulić, Maja Vuković, Vesna Lazić, Biljana Mijović, Miloš Maksimović

28.06.2021. Original Scientific Articles
The knowledge of nurses about prevention of infections caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile

By Ivana Miljković, Amajla Topuz

Introduction. Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea, associated with the use of antibiotics. The most common ways of transmitting the infection in hospitals are contaminated surfaces of the premises and the hands of medical staff. Methods. The study involved 68 nurses/technicians employed at the University Hospital Foca in the departments of surgery and internal medicine. As a research instrument, we used a specially designed questionnaire, created by the authors for the purpose of this research. Results. The research showed that 61.8% of respondents knew that hand washing with warm water and soap was considered the most effective prevention of the spread of infections, and 55.88% meant that they used chlorine-based preparations and hydrogen peroxide as the only effective disinfectant. Nurses with a work experience of less than 5 years showed better knowledge than other groups. Conclusion. The knowledge of nurses about the prevention of C. difficile infection is not at a satisfactory level, which indicates the growing need for education of nurses.

30.06.2022. Original Scientific Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart as a method of long-term monitoring of right heart function after tetralogy of Fallot surgery

By Biljana Milinković, Jelena Milić, Dejan Bokonjić, Verica Prodanović, Bojan Joksimović, Siniša Ristić

28.12.2020. Reviews
Importance of documentation in nursing practice

By Amajla Topuz, Ivana Miljković

01.12.2015. Case Reports
Faktori koji utiču na ishod liječenja sindroma kaude ekvine

By Zorislava Bajić, Milada Nalesnik, Tatjana Boškić, Biljana Jovanović, Tatjana Bućma

28.12.2019. Original Scientific Articles
Impact of elapsed time between first symptoms and diagnosis of celiac disease on psycho-physical functioning and social life of children and adolescents

By Biljana Stojanović-Jovanović, Stevan Jovanović, Biljana Vuletić

Introduction. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease resulting from an inadequate immune response to gluten in genetically predisposed individuals as a result of consuming gluten and other related proteins present in wheat, rye, barley and oats. The only cure for this specific disease is a strict, carefully controlled and lifelong gluten-free diet. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the elapsed time between the onset of the first symptoms and the diagnosis of celiac disease affected the psycho-physical functioning and social life of children and adolescents.

Methods. The study involved 116 respondents (39 of them were males), aged 8-18 years, who were diagnosed with celiac disease. The Documentation Sheet and the Celiac-Specific Pediatric Health-Related Instrument (CDPQOL), measuring the psycho-physical functioning and social life, were used in the study.

Results. 50% of subjects, aged ≤ 2 years, were diagnosed with celiac disease. 48.28% of them were diagnosed with the disease within three months after the symptom onset. In respondents with celiac disease, aged 8-12 years, there was no statistically significant difference between the psycho-physical functioning and social life and the elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis. In subjects aged 13-18 years, using CDPQOL, a statistically significant difference was found in the following domains: school functioning, going out and social events, self-confidence. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference between total CDPQOL score and the elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis.

Conclusion. The elapsed time between the first symptoms and the established diagnosis significantly affects the psycho-physical functioning and social life of subjects aged 13-18 years, but it does not affect the psycho-physical functioning and social life of the younger respondents. This is to confirm the importance of early diagnosis and treatment initiation.
